What were the causes of conflict between Vikings and Saxons?
Vikings raided England, stealing valuables and slaves from undefended monasteries
What economic impact did Viking raids have on England?
Coins had to be made of tin because Vikings stole silver and gold, Viking villages and tombs found with Saxon riches
What military actions were taken by Alfred the Great in response to Viking raids?
Alfred the Great constructed the first English navy in 896 and built burhs (fortified towns) to counter the Vikings
What were the causes of the Norman Conquest?
Normans invaded England because William Duke of Normandy believed he was the heir after Edward the Confessor's death in January 1066.
What military impacts did the Norman Conquest have?
William built over 500castles paid by church tax, which had a psychological effect on local Saxons as a symbol of oppression.
What political impacts did the Norman Conquest have?
By 1086, William had removed all but 4 English lords and replaced them with 200 Norman barons, establishing the feudalsystem.
What were the causes of the Anarchy period in England?
Henry I's death in 1135, succession dispute between Matilda and Stephen, leading to Civil War
Who eventually ruled during the Anarchy period in England?
What actions did the barons take during the Barons' War?
Made peace deals with rival lords, seized land, expanded castles without permission, rebelled against King John
What were the impacts of the Anarchy and Barons' War on the monarchy?
Throne instability due to passing between Matilda and Stephen, weakened monarchy
How did the actions of the barons affect the Anarchy period?
Some appointed their own sheriffs, extended castles, seized lands for personal gain, manipulated the situation
What were the causes of Edward's Wars?
Welsh rebellion in 1282 due to anger at unfair law and taxes
What military impact did Edward's Wars have?
Chevauchee - English march, looting, and setting fire to buildings
What social impacts resulted from Edward's Wars?
Nationalism from Scots and Welsh, expulsion of Jews in 1290
What was the cause of the 100 Years War?
English kings of Norman descent wanted to keep control of Normandy and control France
What social impact did the 100 Years War have?
Hatred of foreigners, exemplified by Henry VI charging an Alien's Subsidy on all foreigners in 1440
What military impact did the 100 Years War have by 1350?
Only 1500 feudal knights were left, replaced with foot soldiers and archers which were cheaper and more effective
What were the causes of Elizabeth's Wars?
Spain's attempts to invade England in 1588 and the 1590s, known as the SpanishArmada
How did Elizabeth's Wars impact society?
Propaganda portrayed Queen Elizabeth as wise and brave, framing the wars as a fight for survival and a Protestant crusade
How did Elizabeth's Wars impact the economy?
The wars led to an economic crisis in the 1590s, causing inflation, unemployment, and heavy disruption in the wool trade with the Netherlands
What were the causes of the English Civil Wars?
Charles dissolves Parliament and rules alone for 11 years (personal rule), which was unpopular due to taxes and religious issues.
What was the psychological impact of the English Civil Wars?
Charles I was publicly executed in 1649, which was seen as traumatic. An audible groan from the crowd implied they didn't want Charles to die.
What was the political impact of the English Civil Wars?
In 1649, Charles I was executed, and Oliver Cromwell became Lord Protector of England. England then became a commonwealth.
What is Reiver Warfare?
Scottish and English Reiver clans fighting on the Scotland-England border, paying no attention to distant governments
What were the social impacts of Reiver Warfare?
Reivers destroyed 192 buildings and stole over 20,000 animals
What were the economic impacts of Reiver Warfare?
Border clans stole from each other and took hostages for ransom
What were the military measures taken during Reiver Warfare?
600 towers were built across the border to limit conflict
What was one cause of the Jacobite Rebellions?
Prince George of Hannover becoming king in 1714
What were some social impacts of the Jacobite Rebellions?
End of Jacobite threat, rebels hunted down, 100 executed, 1000 transported to England, forced to pose for paintings
What were some political impacts of the Jacobite Rebellions?
Highland chiefs were restricted in power, couldn't issue laws in their own area
Causes of 7 Years War
Britain wanted to stop France from growing too powerful
Impacts of 7 Years War
- Social- men were 'impressed' (forced) into the army- press gangs impressed men
-Political- Britain became an imperial power due to military success
Causes of Napoleonic War
-1789- French Revolution- Napoleon becomes Emperor and war commander- wanted to expand French Empire
Impacts of Napoleonic War
-Social- Propaganda celebrated British soldiers and vilified the French
-Economic- many people become rich due to increased production of luxury goods- merchant fleet increases in size
Causes of Crimean War
-Tsar Nicholas I of Russia wanted to expand and modernise Russia- took Caucasus region from Ottoman Empire
Impacts of Crimean War
-Social- soldiers seen as heroes due to horrific front line conditions- war memorials built
-Political- Crimean PM establishes a sanitary commission to improve hospital conditions
Causes of Boer Wars
-First Boer war- Britain conquered Transvaal and Orange Free State from natives for diamonds- Boers rebel
-Second war- 1886- More diamonds discovered in Transvaal- Britian tries to increase their influence over Boers- Boers rebel again
Impacts of Boer Wars
-Social- war exposed the costs and downsides of having an empire- Anti-empire sentiment emerges
-Military- 22,000 soldiers die (100,000 wounded)- more war memorials built
-Economic- war costed £217 million- 1/3 paid by increased taxes. 2/3 paid with borrowed
Causes of WW1
Britain saw Germany as a threat- Germany wanted an empire but Britain already controlled the key territories
Impacts of WW1
-Social/military- attacks from zeppelins and Gotha bombers- killed 500
-Political- DORA act restricted people's movements- government was suspicious of spies. DORA- couldn't buy rounds of drinks, feed bread to dogs, ring church bells or light bonfires- pub curfew