The nuclear family (1950s) was the most accepted and popular family type
Pre 1900s
Extended family was needed for education, childcare etc.
Post 1900s
Structural differentiation led to the nuclear family becoming more common as it allowed for geographical and social mobility
The nuclear family socialises children to be docile and submissive, not questioning the hierarchy in their home
the former belief was that there is harmony in society because of shared values (value consensus)
Social solidarity
Durkheim: feeling of being part of a larger social group, sense of belonging.
Social consensus
Durkheim: shared norms and values. Happens through societal institutions, ie. laws and rules can be seen in politics and education.
organic analogy
parsons: society is like a human body, all parts of the body need to work to maintain stability - social solidarity.
parsons: when a man comes home from a busy day of work, his family provides him with stress relief and relaxation, just like a warm bath. Ensuring emotional needs of a breadwinner are met.