economic policies

Cards (7)

  • what did Nazis do to the economy?

    -first under schlat and then under Goering aimed to make Germany self sufficient
  • why did the Nazis want Germany to be self sufficient?

    -when war broke out Germany would not be so badly effected by naval blockades like in ww1
    -to stop being reliant on foreign goods
  • who were the Nazis ministers for the economy?

    -schlat from 1933-1936
    -after he was sacked Goering
  • what was Goering's four year plan for the economy?

    -was to make Germany completely self sufficient by 1940
    -to do this by increasing industry in steel and explosives production
  • what happened to the Nazi economy under schlat?

    -signed deals with south America and south east Europe to supply raw materials for German goods
    -this would increase production and decrease unemployment
  • how were Nazi policies good for farmers?

    -farmers taxes reduced
    -farmers could not be thrown of land if they had debt
  • how were Nazi policies bad for farmers?

    -late 30s Nazis controlled food prices which effected crop prices