A transverse wave is a wave in which the vibrations are perpendicular to the direction of travel
A longitudinal wave is a wave in which the vibrations are parallel to the direction of travel
Light waves are transverse waves
Sound waves are longitudinal waves
Waves transfer energy
Frequency is the number of waves per second, measured in Hertz (Hz)
Light waves are transverse whereas sound is longitudinal
Light travels much faster than sound
Light can travel through a vacuum, sound can't
Both light and sound waves are caused by vibrations
Both light and sound waves transfer energy
Vibrations that have a biggeramplitude makes the sound larger
Vibrations with a higher frequency has a higher pitch
Speed= distance/time
To calculate uncertainty in a set of results, use range (difference between largest and smallest result)/2
The state of matter sound travels fastest in a solid, then a liquid, then a gas
Sound is transmitted in the order of eardrum, tiny bones, cochlea, auditorynerve
The human hearing range is 20-20000Hz
To convert Hz to kHz, divide by 1000
Ultrasound is sounds above the humanhearingrange (20,000Hz)
Infrasound is sounds below the humanhearingrange (20Hz)
Uses of ultrasound include scanningfoetuses during pregnancy, echolocation in submarines, scanningoceanfloor, cleaningjewellery, breakingdownkidneystones
Volume of sound is measured in Decibels (Db)
The three things that can happen when light meets a surface is it is reflected, transmitted through the surface or absorbed into the surface.
Light travels in straight lines as waves
The law of reflection is the angle of incidence = the angle of reflection
The imaginery line drawn at 90* to the surface is the Normal
Refraction is when light travels through different densities and bendstowards the normal
Lessdense medium to a moredense medium, light bends towardsthenormal
A moredense medium to a less dense medium, light bends away from thenormal
Specular reflection is when all incidentraysreflect at the sameangle on a smoothsurface
Diffuse reflection is when the normalpoints in different directions, so the light rays are reflected at differentangles, causing it to scatter and spreadout
The colours of the visible spectrum in order are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet