origins and meaning

Cards (46)

  • Creation ex nihilo- Creation out of nothing. Before God created the universe nothing existed. Only God can do this
  • Evolution- Process of mutation and natural selection which leads to changes in species over time to suit particular environments.
  • Imago dei- In the image of God. Human beings are uniquely a reflection of God's personhood
  • inspiration- "God breathed" Belief spirt of god guides an individual to act or write what is good or true
  • Omnipotence- Belief God is all powerful
  • Revelation- Used to describe all of the ways in God makes himself known to human beings. Christians believe God does this finally and fully in Jesus christ
  • Stewardship- Duty to care for creation responsibly, as stewards rather than consumers, and protect it for future generations
  • Transcendence- Existing outside of space and time. God exists in a way that makes him nothing like anything else that exists, above and beyond creation
  • St Augustine in his confessions- God is creator, God creates the universe ex nihilo. Universe is separate from God, God is transcendent. God creates out of love and everything he creates is good.
  • Rc belief about Big bang theory-
    • Creation ex nihilo
    • Many accept scientific explanations, understand Genesis as symbolic explanation of beginning of world
    • Big bang theory put forward by Father Georges Lemaitre
    • Science explains how, religion explains why
  • Jewish beliefs about origins of universe-
    • God source of life, sole creator
    • Each week Jews celebrate sabbath, recalling God creating world in 6days and rested on 7th
    • Modeh ani prayer give thanks to God allowing life for an other day
    • Orthodox believe Genesis story true difficulty in accepting modern scientific ideas, reject evolution and big bang
    • Reform believe stories not historical
  • Structure bible- OT
    • 46 books, relationship between God and Jewish people before arrival of Jesus
    • Law, history, prophets, wisdom
  • Structure of Bible- NT
    • 27 books, accounts of Jesus' life and growth of church after he returned to heaven
    • Gospels, acts of apostles, letters, book of revelation
  • Rc and interpreting Bible-
    • Describe bible as word of God - Dei verbum
    • God reveals himself to humans in other forms too
    • Not everything written was historically or literally accurate
    • Holy spirit inspired to write word of God accept God's message in their lives and to share with others
  • Jews interpreting Bible-
    • Torah most holiest and authoritative scripture for Jews
    • Moses received Torah from God Mount Sinai
    • Orthodox believe given by God to Moses so should be taken literally and not changed
    • Reform don't take scriptures literally and believe may be adapted for modern life
  • Rc belief about Genesis/ creation accounts-
    • Authors were inspired and gained truthful insights about God
    • Not everything these authors wrote were historically or literally accurate
    • Readers of Genesis/Bible should consider context in which it was written
    • Gen 1-3 can be considered myths not 'true' but contain great truths
  • Different christian belief about Genesis/ creation accounts-
    • Fundamentalists:
    • God inspired Genesis/Bible writers so does not contain errors, it is a historical account
    • As accurate today as it was when written even if it conflicts with modern world
    • Everything in it is literally true
  • Genesis tell us about God-
    • First account greatness of God as creator of universe
    • Transcendence, eternal, omnipotent
    • Second account God portrayed as
    • Omnibenevolent and immanent (God is not distant from world but involved in it)
  • Genesis accounts tell us about humans-
    • Human life is sacred, different from other animals have special responsibility to take care of world
    • Sanctity of life humans created last in gen1 high point of God's creation
    • Image of God created in imago dei
    • Stewards of God's creation
  • Scientific theories of evolution-
    • According to science life came about as result of a process known as evolution
    • Proposed by Charles Darwin
    • Idea organisms gradually change and develop into new species by process of natural selection
    • Certain characteristics help animals survive
  • Richard Dawkins-
    • Atheist and believes evolution does away need for God and belief humans have souls
    • Argues each living organism's body is just a survival machine for genes does not serve any other purpose
    • Humans just genetic mutation advanced animals
  • Rc belief about evolution-
    • Do not interpret Bible literally, Genesis needs to be understood symbolically
    • Pope St John Paul pontifical 'no conflict between evolution and doctrine of faith regarding man and his vocation'
    • Important that God created with purpose and so everything exists as part of his loving plan
    • Care about why evolution happened not how
  • Other christian beliefs towards evolution-
    • Some see it as an attack on their beliefs
    • These Christians interpret Bible literally believe it comes directly from God every word is historical and accurate
    • Actions of God brought about life
    • Plants and animals created with characteristics complete
    • Humans created last (rule out evolution)
  • Rc belief origin and sanctity of human life-
    • Human life special should be cared for
    • Every person unique because God made them
    • Created in God's image imago dei
    • Human life is sacred everyone has right to life which should be valued and protected
  • Jewish belief about sanctity of human life-
    • God sole creator, giver and taker of life
    • Genesis teaches humans created in image of God and life is precious
    • 10 commandments forbid taking of life
    • Pikuach nefesh- saving of life
  • St Catherine Siena image of God-
    • Soul is made in image of God
    • Her writings tell us:
    • We are reflection of God because we are created in God's image
    • Inner conscience that tells us difference between right and wrong
    • Created out of love 'you have taken with love for her'
    • Originate from God, all life is sacred
  • Humanists (Peter Singer) beliefs about sanctity of life-
    • Argues human life has value but not of equal value
    • If person has no ability to think, relate to others or experience their life has limited value
    • Embryos and newborn babies examples of biological but 'not human persons'
    • Morally acceptable take life of non human person if will bring less suffering and greater happiness
    • Applies to euthanasia
  • Peter Singer and Speciesism-
    • Discrimination where you view human life more important that animal life
    • Argues conscious animal more mental capacity and more of a 'person' than baby or elderly with dementia
    • Argues animals have similar responses to humans e.g. feel pleasure, pain interests must be valued
    • Arguing human life is more important than any other type of life is wrong. Same as being racist
  • Rc church beliefs about abortion-
    • Against in all circumstances, human life is sacred
    • Life begins at conception. Start of human relationship with God 'Before i formed you in the womb i knew you' Jeremiah
    • Foetus made in God's image
    • 'Do not kill' abortion is great evil; murder
    • Catechism 'Abortion crime and violation of child's rights'
    • Adoption is better option
    • God has plan for everyone, humans should not interfere
    • All life equally valuable, disabled people can live fulfilling lives
  • Other christian beliefs about abortion-
    • Abortion is wrong but will allow it in some case:
    • 'lesser of two evils'
    • mother's life in danger
    • Woman been raped
    • Baby not survive due to severe disabilities
    • Uphold belief in sanctity of life
    • Promote adoption
  • Humanists belief about abortion-
    • Not one single view
    • Value happiness and personal choice
    • Consider evidence, consequences, rights and wishes of all involved
    • Life is not sacred but deserves respect
    • Ultimately personal choice
  • Jewish beliefs about abortion-
    • God sole creator, giver, taker of life
    • Genesis teaches humans created in image of God
    • 10 commandments forbid taking of life
    • However some believe unborn foetus is not a person until born
    • Reform believe abortion can be permitted but only for serious reasons like mum's life at risk
  • Rc belief about humans and relationship with creation-
    • God created all living things, including humans
    • God created earth with right conditions to sustain life
    • Earth belongs to God not humans; humans are caretakers of God's world
    • Laudato Si- Poe Francis wants Rcs to think of the world as a gift to pass on
  • RC attitudes preserving planet and environment-
    • Rcs need to work to protect planet, reducing pollution, care for animals, make sure world can be passed on to future generations
    • Laudato Si Pope Francis gift of creation they have been given 'we realise the world is a gift'
    • Two greatest commandments are to love God and love their neighbour. Rcs should be concerned about those who suffer badly from climate change
    • Every individual has duty to contribute to good of society, this is common good. Act justly and seek justice for others especially poor
  • Humanists belief about environment-
    • Agree with rcs that we have to look after environment but for different reason
    • Human life has come about because of evolution no creator God is needed
    • Humans seek happiness in this life and help others to do same
    • Need stewards of world out of concern for humans and animals
    • Humans must cause little harm to environment based on reason and not a commandment
  • Jewish beliefs about environment-
    • God source of all life
    • Universe too wonderful to have happened by chance
    • In Torah God gave humans duty to take control over nature
    • Many believe their responsibility to continue work of creation by making world better place to live in
    • Sukkot celebrates God's creation - festival reminder human connection with nature and environment
  • Influence of imago dei on CST-
    • Teaching on human dignity:
    • Humans created in image and likeness of God and human life is sacred links to Jesus teaching 'love your neighbour'
    • Rcs concerned with a abortion, euthanasia, supporting people with disabilities
    • Teaching about peace:
    • Importance of peace, duty to promote it sign of peace at mass
    • Many RC organisations call for peace
  • Influence of imago dei on CST-
    • Teaching on justice:
    • Challenge injustice and not to rest until all of God's children experience peace and justice discrimination is eliminated
    • Teaching about reconciliation:
    • True peace can be gained by reconciliation, healing pain and bringing opposing sides together
  • How rcs bring about peace, justice ad reconciliation-
    • CST asks everyone to treat others with dignity
    • upholding rights of individuals
    • Stand along those oppressed and treated unjustly
    • Caring and respecting planet and environment
    • Praying for justice and peace
  • What is interfaith dialogue?
    • All faiths equal right to exist together and practice or change religion
    • Dialogue means co-operative, constructive and positive engagement between people of different faiths and no faith
    • Promote mutual understanding, respect, tolerance and harmony
    • Identify common ground
    • Engage in shared action for common good of society