good and evil

Cards (39)

  • conscience - Human reason making moral decisions. Knowledge of what's right and wrong.
  • Evil - absence of good and impulse to seek our own desires at the expense of the good of others which often result in suffering.
  • Free-will - decision making part of a person's mind is called will. Will is free if a person is able to choose right from wrong without being controlled by other forces.
  • Goodness- quality of being like God, seeking the well-being of others selflessly.
  • Incarnation- "Made flesh" Christian belief that God became man in person of Jesus, fully human and fully divine
  • Natural law- moral laws of right and wrong which are universal and not dependant on human laws.
  • Privation- loss or absence of a quality or something that is normally present. Evil is the privation of good
  • Suffering- pain or loss which harms human beings. Some suffering caused by other human beings some is not
  • Trinity in Nicene Creed -
    -God the Father created Heaven and Earth 'Maker of heaven and earth'
    -God the Son, Jesus, saviour of the world 'Only begotten son of God'
    -God the holy spirit invisible spiritual power who guides, helps and inspires humans 'Holy Spirit, Lord ,giver of life'
  • Rc belief on Trinity -
    -Only one God, God exists as 3 persons - Father, son and holy spirit
    -Each of these 3 persons is distinct from other 2
    -Each of these 3 persons is fully God
    -But there are not 3 Gods.
  • Jewish attitudes to trinity-
    -Jesus historical figure but not God
    -Agree with rc's there is one God, stated in Shema and 10 commandments
    - Do not accept Jesus as son of God or idea of trinity
    -Believe God has different attributes e.g. law giver, judge but are characteristics of 1 God
  • Historical development doctrine of trinity -
    • 'Trinity' does not explicitly appear in Bible
    • Without doctrine of trinity not possible for Christians to believe Jesus is God
    • God is trinity of love, exists for all eternity
  • Augustine's idea God as trinity of love -
    • Say's trinity of father, son and holy spirit is like this Trinity of love, lover and loved
  • Goodness of God-
    • God is cause of goodness in others
    • God's goodness is unchanging
    • God is supreme good
    • All things made by God good e.g. his creation 'saw that it was good'
    • World God created is 'good'
  • Jewish attitudes goodness of God-
    • Monotheists, believe God is the only God and omnipotent, they do not believe in the devil
    • God is source of all life referred to in Torah as sole creator, judge and is merciful. He will protect and care for all he has created
    • Goodness of God shown by creation + giving of Torah
  • Rc attitudes to origin and evil -
    Moral and natural evil:
    • Evil + suffering exist because of human free will
    • Free will gift from God- humans can use gift to do good or bad
    • good choices= goodness in world bad choices= evil and suffering
    • Original sin:
    • Adam and Eve ate forbidden fruit against God's wishes (first original sin)
    • Result of this pain and suffering introduced
    • All humans have original sin, tendency to go against God
    • Reminder we all share responsibility for evil and suffering in world
  • St Augustine origin of evil-
    • He wrote a book called enchiridion saying
    • Existence of evil helps people to appreciate good in the world 'we enjoy and value the good more when we compare it with evil'
    • Evil is just the absence of good things
    • God allows suffering because he is omnipotent and good. He allows evil to bring greater good out of suffering
  • John Hick Christian problem of evil-
    • God deliberately made an imperfect world to allow humans to grow and learn
    • God values human freedom, wants us to learn for ourselves how to be good and loving
    • Through suffering we can 'grow in God's likeness'
    • Suffering is painful but leads to healthier soul
  • Jewish attitudes nature and origin of evil-
    • Do not believe people are born evil (dont believe in original sin)
    • Evil and suffering are consequence of human wrong choices yetzer ha ra (bad) yetzer ha tov (good)
    • Evil comes about due to human choices
    • Torah teaches God gives humans choice - Yom kippur gives humans chance to atone
  • Kenosis hymn St Paul -
    • Kenosis meaning 'emptying'
    • Hymn of praise to Jesus for 'he emptied himself' of his divinity
    • St Paul says Christians should be more like Jesus, even though he was God willingly put aside his equality with God to become a human
    • St Paul said 'he made himself nothing' by becoming human
  • Pope St John Paul II Salvifici Doloris-
    • Calls Jesus 'saving power of suffering'
    • Pope says if we try to bear our suffering patiently and offer to God in prayer, God will use it to bring about good for others
    • If Christians do this its like an act of sacrifice, just like Jesus did
  • Jewish attitudes towards incarnation-
    • Jesus historical figure not God
    • Do not accept Jesus was God as this challenges their basic belief that God is one
    • This belief stated in Shema and 10 commandments
  • Incarnation and problem of evil-
    • Jesus becoming flesh and experiencing suffering helps Rc's when they face suffering
    • Christians should not ask why they suffer but how they can suffer and not lose faith
  • Teaching of Jesus beatitudes-
    • Gave clear teachings on how people should live their lives
    • Sermon on the mount begins with list of blessings (beatitudes) e.g blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
    • Beatitudes teach us how we should behave
  • Natural law -
    • Basic concept of natural law is there is a moral law that every human being understands and should live by
    • NL is key part of RC moral teaching, idea all humans share same human nature
    • NL put forward by Aquinas says all humans have some purposes in common, preserving life, reproduction, educating children, living in ordered society and worshipping God
    • Rcs see NL as proof the fact that universe is created and ruled by God who is good
  • Conscience as source of moral authority-
    • Ability to discover natural law is what Rcs call conscience
    • Rcs have an obligation to follow their conscience 'voice of God'
    • Minds ability to know difference between right and wrong and make decisions about what is right
    • 'internal impulse' to do what is right and avoid what is wrong
    • Rcs believe conscience is unique to humans and its existence is another proof of God's goodness (imago dei)
  • RC ambivalence (mixed feelings) towards suffering-
    • Suffering is a mystery: unable to understand reason why God chooses to allow suffering
    • Suffering can be sign of love: love impossible without suffering. Loving another person means you will doing anything for them (sacrifice)
    • Suffering can be proof of commitment: Jesus says to his disciples to be committed we must experience suffering
    • Suffering is a blessing
  • Isaiah 53 suffering servant-
    • Helps Rcs understand suffering of Jesus' suffering
    • Suffering servant is an unattractive person, rejected by own people, cruely punished by them
    • Experiences suffering others deserve so they will not experience it
    • Accepts their suffering, somehow brings about salvation for others
    • This is why Rcs have mixed feelings about suffering
  • Jewish attitudes towards suffering-
    • Do not read Isiah 53 as a reference to Jesus they see it as a metaphorical description of the suffering of israel
    • Would also have ambivalence towards suffering
    • Suffering comes from 2 different sources human made and natural. God gave free will to people to do good or evil, they believe some suffering can come from God as a test or a punishment
  • What is pilgrimage?
    • Special journey to a holy place e.g Lourdes
  • RC attitude towards pilgrimage-
    • Helps strengthen faith
    • Way of thanking God
    • Seek emotional, physical or spiritual healing
    • Come closer to God giving him time and attention
    • Feel supported by others
    • Sick people feel at peace with illness and able to cope with problems they face
  • Pilgrimage as response to human suffering-
    • Help people learn how to value God in their lives find a way to bear sufferings of life without being defeated
    • Lourdes: spring water is central part of pilgrimage, many sick and disabled bathe in waters to seek physical and spiritual healing
    • Pilgrims will visit grotto site of 18 apparitions to pray and offer petitions
    • Pilgrims will celebrate mass daily and carry out Sacrament of Reconciliation
    • Young people work with sick and disabled, it is meaningful supporting those suffering teaches them patience and grace
  • Jewish attitudes towards pilgrimage-
    • Not an obligation, however in practice going on a pilgrimage is important feature of life of many Jews
    • Torah refers to traditional importance of all Jews going to Jerusalem for festivals
    • Some it is important to visit Israel
    • Some important to visit graves of significant teachers and rabbis
  • Rosary-
    • Old form of popular piety
    • Name given to a prayer and to beads that are used in the praying of the prayer
    • Consists of 3 prayers; Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
  • Rosary sorrowful mysteries-
    • Jesus is crucified and dies: when Jesus is nailed to the cross, after 6 hours, dies
    • Jesus made to carry his cross: Jesus carried his own cross to Golgotha, place of crucifixion
    • Crowning of thorns: Soldiers mock Jesus, twisting thorns into a crown, charged with claiming to be king of jews
  • Statues for and against -
    • Against (Christians)
    • Goes against commandments forbids making of any idol as an object of worship, worshipping false Gods
    • Prayers to anything or anyone other than God breaking first commandment ' shall have no other Gods before me'
    • For (RC's)
    • Don't pray to them they are reminder of God and Jesus
    • Help them focus on prayer
    • Reminds them of saints, Jesus we love
  • RC's importance of sculptures and statues-
    • Another sign of reality of incarnation
    • Express deeper commitment to incarnational view of the world
    • Crucifix incarnational image, Jesus' death reminds them of salvation
  • Michelangelo's Pieta-
    • Folds in garment: symbol of open womb. Reminds us Mary carried Jesus in her womb, invites us to share her pain and sorrow
    • Face of Mary: Remains peaceful even though she is holding her dead son
    • Left hand of Mary: Open palm, at peace after witnessing her son's death
  • Jewish attitudes towards suffering-
    • Do not use statues as focus for prayer
    • Goes against 10 commandments 'You shall have no other God's before me' Only God alone should be worshipped
    • Synagogues do not have any representation of God as he is above huma understanding