Death - end of physical life. Physical body ceases completely to function
Eternal life- refer to life in heaven after death. Phrase Jesus use to describe state of living as God intends
Heaven- those who accepted God's grace and forgiveness in this life will enjoy an eternal existence in God's presence in the next life
Hell- those who through exercise of their own free will reject God's grace and forgiveness, will have chosen to live eternally outside God's presence
Judgement- belief each individual will be held to account by God for things they do, or fail to do during their lives
Magisterium - teaching authority of the church, exercised by the bishops in communion with the Pope
Resurrection- raising of the body to life again after death. Christians believe Jesus already experienced resurrection and all people will experience it at the end of time
Soul - eternal part of human given at conception which lives on after death of the body. Also name for human's rational nature- their mind
Rc belief about dying well-
Prepare themselves to die well - eg spend time with family, discuss funeral arrangements, making peace with family and friends
For those in significant pain they will look for palliative care to reduce pain in final stages of life
Respect value of their lives until natural death - Rc church reject euthanasia or assisted suicide
Promote work of hospices that provide palliative care when treatment no longer possible
Provide rituals to support grieving-
Includes imagery and symbols that reflect belief and hope in eternal life
Rc teaching on assisted suicide and euthanasia-
Rejects based on belief all life is sacred
Life is gift from God and should be respected
Euthanasia and assisted suicide go against sanctity of life and 'do not kill'
Promote hospices and organisations that provide palliative care
Pope St John Paul II Evangelium Vitae 'Euthanasia is a graveviolation of the law of God'
Evangelium Vitae-
Teaching comes from belief life being sacred, gift from God is precious and should be respected
Deliberate killing goes against sanctity of life and 10 commandments 'do not kill'
Palliative care alternative to Eu, suffering has purpose we should try and identify with Jesus on the cross
'heroic behaviour cannot be duty for everyone'
Ok to seek palliative care to reduce pain and maintain dignity
Rc attitude on quality and sanctity of life-
All life given by God and is sacred, no one has right to end life
So not accept people have the right to die and think euthanasia and assisted suicide not acceptable
Care about quality of life and campaign for palliative care to make life for people suffering comfortable and pain free as possible
Focus should be on showing compassion to dying person to allow them to retain their dignity
Other christian belief about quality and sanctity of life-
Some allow euthanasia, believe in teaching of Jesus 'Love your neighbour as yourself' and 'The Golden rule'
Voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide would be sign of love
If that person is suffering and has poor quality of life allowing euthanasia would be sign of compassion just like Jesus was able to perform healing miracles
Humanists - agree with right to die
Believe decision about quality of life is individual decision
Reject idea of God
Don't believe life is sacred
Believe humans have autonomy
Any decision about prolonging or ending life should be down to individual
Legalising assisted dying mean individuals are free to make choices about their end of life care
Don't reject palliative care
Rc belief about resurrection of body-
Beliefs summed up in Nicene Creed which teaches Jesus rose from dead and there will be life after death
St Paul explains what will happen in 1 Cor
Teaches that Jesus rose from dead and this will happen to his followers
People will have spiritual resurrection body given to them by God
Why Rcs believe in resurrection-
Resurrection of Jesus is a matter of faith, cannot be proven or disproven
Due to resurrection Rcs believe soul and body are resurrected
Bodily resurrection and eternal life with God is possible for all people because of Jesus' resurrection
Mixed beliefs about survival of soul-
Christians believe soul is spiritual part of person
Non physical and lives on after death
Most Christians believe in immortality of soul
When body dies soul leaves the body to live with God
Eternal and continues to live on to everlasting life in heaven
Other Christians say body and soul are one and cannot be separated
After death soul is temporarily apart from body
Body and soul are reunited on judgement day
Contrasting views about death as end of personal existence-
Most humanists and atheists believe humans are just a physical body
No soul
No spiritual aspect of life
Only life we have and we should make the most of it
No life after death
Some people believe in reincarnation, at death soul passes to a new body
How you are reborn depends on good and bad actions in this life
Rc teaching on heaven and hell-
Rc teaching about life after death is based on death, judgement , heaven, hell
When person dies they are judged by God and this decides if they go to heaven or hell
When person dies, God passes judgement on their soul
Each person is responsible for their own actions
Final judgement when whole of creation will be judged - parable of sheep and goats
Parable of unforgiving servant
Parable of rich man and Lazarus
Other christian views on judgement-
Christian teaching focuses on individual judgement
Each person responsible for own actions
Some refer it to as 'final judgement'
Rc teaching on purgatory-
Believe state before heaven is purgatory
Comes from word 'purge' to be purified of sins
Think most people are not bad enough to go to hell but not good enough to go to heaven, as they have sinned on earth
Purgatory is state of cleansing and preparation to enter heaven
Believe they can help souls in purgatory by praying for them
Ask God for mercy to forgive the soul's sins so they can enter heaven
Other christian teaching on purgatory-
Most christian believe in heaven and hell but some do notaccept purgatory
Believe people either accept God and are state of grace with God or they reject God
Nature of magisterium-
Pope and bishops safeguard Church's teaching and Jesus' teachings
Have authority to make decisions and statements about faith and morality for Rc community e.g. contraception, same sex marriage, nuclear weapons
Believe holy spirit guides Pope and bishops in their decision making
Believe Pope is infallible when teaching about matters of faith
Ordinary magisterium-
Everyday teaching of Rc Church
Bishops regularly preach homilies and write letters to their diocese encouraging Rcs in their faith and giving them instruction
Pope may write a letter known as encyclical, letters are addressed to world on contemporary issues e.g. laudato Si
Extraordinary magisterium-
Pontifical Magisterium:
Pope under guidance of Holy Spirit, is infallible when speaking from the chair
Chair symbol of authority
Popes very rarely use their authority this way
Conciliar Magisterium:
When Pope calls together all bishops to settle problem or explore new questions facing the church
End of these councils is a written letter that explains faith, interprets scriptures
Second Vatican council-
1960's time of dramatic change around the world
Ecumenical council of Rc church during which bishops from all over the world came together to discuss how Catholicism need to meet the challenges of modern world
Took place between 1962 and 1965
Pope John Paul ' I want to throw open the windows of the Church so that we can see out and people can see in'
Gaudium et spes- document of second vatican council-
About RC social teaching
Encourages Rcs to respond to issues of poverty and socialjustice, impact of science and technology
Encourages people of faith to engage with modern world
Dei verbum document of second vatican council-
How important Bible is
Encouraged RCs to use Bible as part of their prayers
Led to an increase in more Bible study groups in parishes
Sacrosantum concilium document of second vatican council-
Covers changes to Church's officialpublic worship
Before council mass was said in Latin and everyone faced altar
Words were translated into local language
Altar was moved so priest faces people and actions can be seen
Lectionary revised with wider selection of Bible readings
Lumen gentium document of second vatican council-
Means 'light of the people'
Encouraged ordinary Rcs to take more active role to be part of the mission of the Church and serve Jesus
All Rcs should act on the promise they made at their baptism to be 'lights to the world' by being of service to others
The cross:
Two soldiers looking up at cross in awe emphasising triumph of Jesus' resurrection and hope will resurrect too
The crown:
Crown of thorns which they used to mock Jesus has been replaced with Crown full of jewels symbolising Jesus' death is a triumph over sin
2 eagles:
By using them suggesting Jesus' Godly qualities as Son of God having power over sin and death
Paschal candle and Easter candle-
Alpha and omega:
First and last letter of Greek alphabet symbolising Christ is the first and last things
The cross:
Sign of crucifixion which has made resurrection for Jesus and all people possible
Five wounds:
5 studs represent 5 wounds Jesus received during crucifixion which lead to his resurrection showing he had power over death
Easter candle and baptism-
Baptism is sacrament of entry into the church
Paschal candle is lit and placed near the font to remind people of resurrection
Smaller candle is lit from flame and given to baptised family remind them 'Light of Christ' has defeated darkness of sin
The psalms-
Collection of Jewish prayers and hymns to God
Express emotion - joy to despair
Source of prayer for Christians because Jesus and early Christians lived their lives as part of Jewish community
Monks and nuns built these prayers
RC mass uses psalms in Liturgy of the word
Music in liturgy-
Chant for welcoming Gospel
Acknowledge importance of listening to teaching of Gospel
Eucharistic Acclamation:
Sung during Liturgy of Eucharist
Highlight solemness and importance of bread and wine becoming Body and Blood of Christ
Great song of praise for God
Words bring greater sense of awe / wonder through music
Sung at start and end of Mass
Can support quiet prayer and distribution of holy communion
How music expresses RC belief about eternal life Faure's Requiem
Full of beautiful melodies
Written after death of his dad, brings about sense of calm and peace
Wanted to show you could be sad about death of loved one whilst also hoping after death they had gone on to eternal life with God
He did not want to express fear of death
Focuses on hope that dead will be in heaven
His music help grieving have faith, comfort and hope, peaceful and fear-free nature of death
Importance of RC funeral rites-
Believe death is not the end, can look forward to eternal life with God in heaven
At RC funeral mourners pray for person who died
Believe God listens to prayers and will be merciful towards the departed
Funeral service is celebration of life
Mourners look over deceased person's life and thank God for good times
Funeral rites-
Given by priest will explain Christian belief that Jesus defeated death through his resurrection and this means Christians can hope to have eternal life with God after death
Prayers said for dead:
Prayers said for dead, grieving family, friends and wider community
Prayers refer to baptism, easter, resurrection of Jesus, Jesus' sacrifice on cross because of all this they can hope for eternal life after death
Coffin covered in a white cloth
Reminder when newly baptised person is present with white garment
Formulaic prayer-
Prayers that have been written down and collected in prayer books
Said in same way every time
Well known and provide a source of inspiration
Created by people who were close to God
Stop people from becoming distracted and enables them to pray more deeply