life and death

Cards (41)

  • Death - end of physical life. Physical body ceases completely to function
  • Eternal life- refer to life in heaven after death. Phrase Jesus use to describe state of living as God intends
  • Heaven- those who accepted God's grace and forgiveness in this life will enjoy an eternal existence in God's presence in the next life
  • Hell- those who through exercise of their own free will reject God's grace and forgiveness, will have chosen to live eternally outside God's presence
  • Judgement- belief each individual will be held to account by God for things they do, or fail to do during their lives
  • Magisterium - teaching authority of the church, exercised by the bishops in communion with the Pope
  • Resurrection- raising of the body to life again after death. Christians believe Jesus already experienced resurrection and all people will experience it at the end of time
  • Soul - eternal part of human given at conception which lives on after death of the body. Also name for human's rational nature- their mind
  • Rc belief about dying well-
    • Prepare themselves to die well - eg spend time with family, discuss funeral arrangements, making peace with family and friends
    • For those in significant pain they will look for palliative care to reduce pain in final stages of life
    • Respect value of their lives until natural death - Rc church reject euthanasia or assisted suicide
    • Promote work of hospices that provide palliative care when treatment no longer possible
    • Provide rituals to support grieving-
    • Includes imagery and symbols that reflect belief and hope in eternal life
  • Rc teaching on assisted suicide and euthanasia-
    • Rejects based on belief all life is sacred
    • Life is gift from God and should be respected
    • Euthanasia and assisted suicide go against sanctity of life and 'do not kill'
    • Promote hospices and organisations that provide palliative care
    • Pope St John Paul II Evangelium Vitae 'Euthanasia is a grave violation of the law of God'
  • Evangelium Vitae-
    • Teaching comes from belief life being sacred, gift from God is precious and should be respected
    • Deliberate killing goes against sanctity of life and 10 commandments 'do not kill'
    • Palliative care alternative to Eu, suffering has purpose we should try and identify with Jesus on the cross
    • 'heroic behaviour cannot be duty for everyone'
    • Ok to seek palliative care to reduce pain and maintain dignity
  • Rc attitude on quality and sanctity of life-
    • All life given by God and is sacred, no one has right to end life
    • So not accept people have the right to die and think euthanasia and assisted suicide not acceptable
    • Care about quality of life and campaign for palliative care to make life for people suffering comfortable and pain free as possible
    • Focus should be on showing compassion to dying person to allow them to retain their dignity
  • Other christian belief about quality and sanctity of life-
    • Some allow euthanasia, believe in teaching of Jesus 'Love your neighbour as yourself' and 'The Golden rule'
    • Voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide would be sign of love
    • If that person is suffering and has poor quality of life allowing euthanasia would be sign of compassion just like Jesus was able to perform healing miracles
  • Humanists - agree with right to die
    • Believe decision about quality of life is individual decision
    • Reject idea of God
    • Don't believe life is sacred
    • Believe humans have autonomy
    • Any decision about prolonging or ending life should be down to individual
    • Legalising assisted dying mean individuals are free to make choices about their end of life care
    • Don't reject palliative care
  • Rc belief about resurrection of body-
    • Beliefs summed up in Nicene Creed which teaches Jesus rose from dead and there will be life after death
    • St Paul explains what will happen in 1 Cor
    • Teaches that Jesus rose from dead and this will happen to his followers
    • People will have spiritual resurrection body given to them by God
  • Why Rcs believe in resurrection-
    • Resurrection of Jesus is a matter of faith, cannot be proven or disproven
    • Due to resurrection Rcs believe soul and body are resurrected
    • Bodily resurrection and eternal life with God is possible for all people because of Jesus' resurrection
  • Mixed beliefs about survival of soul-
    • Christians believe soul is spiritual part of person
    • Non physical and lives on after death
    • Most Christians believe in immortality of soul
    • When body dies soul leaves the body to live with God
    • Eternal and continues to live on to everlasting life in heaven
    • Other Christians say body and soul are one and cannot be separated
    • After death soul is temporarily apart from body
    • Body and soul are reunited on judgement day
  • Contrasting views about death as end of personal existence-
    • Most humanists and atheists believe humans are just a physical body
    • No soul
    • No spiritual aspect of life
    • Only life we have and we should make the most of it
    • No life after death
    • Some people believe in reincarnation, at death soul passes to a new body
    • How you are reborn depends on good and bad actions in this life
  • Rc teaching on heaven and hell-
    • Rc teaching about life after death is based on death, judgement , heaven, hell
    • When person dies they are judged by God and this decides if they go to heaven or hell
  • Judgement-
    • When person dies, God passes judgement on their soul
    • Each person is responsible for their own actions
    • Final judgement when whole of creation will be judged - parable of sheep and goats
    • Parable of unforgiving servant
    • Parable of rich man and Lazarus
  • Other christian views on judgement-
    • Christian teaching focuses on individual judgement
    • Each person responsible for own actions
    • Some refer it to as 'final judgement'
  • Rc teaching on purgatory-
    • Believe state before heaven is purgatory
    • Comes from word 'purge' to be purified of sins
    • Think most people are not bad enough to go to hell but not good enough to go to heaven, as they have sinned on earth
    • Purgatory is state of cleansing and preparation to enter heaven
    • Believe they can help souls in purgatory by praying for them
    • Ask God for mercy to forgive the soul's sins so they can enter heaven
  • Other christian teaching on purgatory-
    • Most christian believe in heaven and hell but some do not accept purgatory
    • Believe people either accept God and are state of grace with God or they reject God
  • Nature of magisterium-
    • Pope and bishops safeguard Church's teaching and Jesus' teachings
    • Have authority to make decisions and statements about faith and morality for Rc community e.g. contraception, same sex marriage, nuclear weapons
    • Believe holy spirit guides Pope and bishops in their decision making
    • Believe Pope is infallible when teaching about matters of faith
  • Ordinary magisterium-
    • Everyday teaching of Rc Church
    • Bishops regularly preach homilies and write letters to their diocese encouraging Rcs in their faith and giving them instruction
    • Pope may write a letter known as encyclical, letters are addressed to world on contemporary issues e.g. laudato Si
  • Extraordinary magisterium-
    • Pontifical Magisterium:
    • Pope under guidance of Holy Spirit, is infallible when speaking from the chair
    • Chair symbol of authority
    • Popes very rarely use their authority this way
    • Conciliar Magisterium:
    • When Pope calls together all bishops to settle problem or explore new questions facing the church
    • End of these councils is a written letter that explains faith, interprets scriptures
  • Second Vatican council-
    • 1960's time of dramatic change around the world
    • Ecumenical council of Rc church during which bishops from all over the world came together to discuss how Catholicism need to meet the challenges of modern world
    • Took place between 1962 and 1965
    • Pope John Paul ' I want to throw open the windows of the Church so that we can see out and people can see in'
  • Gaudium et spes- document of second vatican council-
    • About RC social teaching
    • Encourages Rcs to respond to issues of poverty and social justice, impact of science and technology
    • Encourages people of faith to engage with modern world
  • Dei verbum document of second vatican council-
    • How important Bible is
    • Encouraged RCs to use Bible as part of their prayers
    • Led to an increase in more Bible study groups in parishes
  • Sacrosantum concilium document of second vatican council-
    • Covers changes to Church's official public worship
    • Before council mass was said in Latin and everyone faced altar
    • Words were translated into local language
    • Altar was moved so priest faces people and actions can be seen
    • Lectionary revised with wider selection of Bible readings
  • Lumen gentium document of second vatican council-
    • Means 'light of the people'
    • Encouraged ordinary Rcs to take more active role to be part of the mission of the Church and serve Jesus
    • All Rcs should act on the promise they made at their baptism to be 'lights to the world' by being of service to others
  • Sarcophagus-
    • The cross:
    • Two soldiers looking up at cross in awe emphasising triumph of Jesus' resurrection and hope will resurrect too
    • The crown:
    • Crown of thorns which they used to mock Jesus has been replaced with Crown full of jewels symbolising Jesus' death is a triumph over sin
    • 2 eagles:
    • By using them suggesting Jesus' Godly qualities as Son of God having power over sin and death
  • Paschal candle and Easter candle-
    • Alpha and omega:
    • First and last letter of Greek alphabet symbolising Christ is the first and last things
    • The cross:
    • Sign of crucifixion which has made resurrection for Jesus and all people possible
    • Five wounds:
    • 5 studs represent 5 wounds Jesus received during crucifixion which lead to his resurrection showing he had power over death
  • Easter candle and baptism-
    • Baptism is sacrament of entry into the church
    • Paschal candle is lit and placed near the font to remind people of resurrection
    • Smaller candle is lit from flame and given to baptised family remind them 'Light of Christ' has defeated darkness of sin
  • The psalms-
    • Collection of Jewish prayers and hymns to God
    • Express emotion - joy to despair
    • Source of prayer for Christians because Jesus and early Christians lived their lives as part of Jewish community
    • Monks and nuns built these prayers
    • RC mass uses psalms in Liturgy of the word
  • Music in liturgy-
    • Alleluia:
    • Chant for welcoming Gospel
    • Acknowledge importance of listening to teaching of Gospel
    • Eucharistic Acclamation:
    • Sung during Liturgy of Eucharist
    • Highlight solemness and importance of bread and wine becoming Body and Blood of Christ
    • Gloria:
    • Great song of praise for God
    • Words bring greater sense of awe / wonder through music
    • Hymns:
    • Sung at start and end of Mass
    • Can support quiet prayer and distribution of holy communion
  • How music expresses RC belief about eternal life Faure's Requiem
    • Full of beautiful melodies
    • Written after death of his dad, brings about sense of calm and peace
    • Wanted to show you could be sad about death of loved one whilst also hoping after death they had gone on to eternal life with God
    • He did not want to express fear of death
    • Focuses on hope that dead will be in heaven
    • His music help grieving have faith, comfort and hope, peaceful and fear-free nature of death
  • Importance of RC funeral rites-
    • Believe death is not the end, can look forward to eternal life with God in heaven
    • At RC funeral mourners pray for person who died
    • Believe God listens to prayers and will be merciful towards the departed
    • Funeral service is celebration of life
    • Mourners look over deceased person's life and thank God for good times
  • Funeral rites-
    • Sermon:
    • Given by priest will explain Christian belief that Jesus defeated death through his resurrection and this means Christians can hope to have eternal life with God after death
    • Prayers said for dead:
    • Prayers said for dead, grieving family, friends and wider community
    • Prayers refer to baptism, easter, resurrection of Jesus, Jesus' sacrifice on cross because of all this they can hope for eternal life after death
    • Pall:
    • Coffin covered in a white cloth
    • Reminder when newly baptised person is present with white garment
  • Formulaic prayer-
    • Prayers that have been written down and collected in prayer books
    • Said in same way every time
    • Well known and provide a source of inspiration
    • Created by people who were close to God
    • Stop people from becoming distracted and enables them to pray more deeply