Germany Part 2

Cards (50)

  • 2 events happened which had devastating effects on Germany
    October 1929
  • Gustav Stresemann
    Died of a stroke on 3rd October at the age of 51
  • The Wall Street Crash happened in America
    October 29th
  • Depression
    A time when lots of businesses fail and factories close, resulting in many people losing their jobs and becoming homeless. Sometimes banks fail too so people lose all their savings.
  • America grew rich after WWI

    Americans bought shares in companies, hoping to make a profit
  • Americans borrowed money from banks
    To buy shares
  • Wall Street Crash happened

    Americans hadn't made as much money as they hoped, so they quickly sold their shares
  • Share prices dropped quickly

    As more people tried to sell
  • Millions couldn't sell their shares for as much as they bought them

    They couldn't pay the banks back either, leaving them ruined
  • The government was blamed for the problems in Germany

    People were prepared to listen to extreme political parties with radical ideas
  • When there is economic turmoil
    People turn to extremes
  • People were scared of communism
    They voted for the Nazis
  • The Nazis continued to repeat their core beliefs: 1) Treaty of Versailles is a crime to Germany, 2) Jews should be blamed for economic problems, 3) Germany should be reborn as a strong, powerful country
  • Appeal of Hitler

    He had a charismatic personality and could make people believe he could be trusted to make Germany a strong nation. As a powerful and inspiring speaker, he was able to fill his audiences with hope. He persuaded the German public to believe that he could move Germany towards economic recovery. The sight of discipline in a time of chaos seemed to win many people over.
  • The Weimar politicians couldn't agree on how to help the unemployed and how to get Germany out of the depression
  • Chancellor Bruning passed laws by using the President's emergency decrees and making them legal under Article 48
  • President Hindenburg withdrew his support when Bruning tried to pass a law to seize rich people's land and give it to poor people, leading to Bruning's resignation
  • Fear of communism

    Middle and upper-class Germans (especially businessmen and landowners) were frightened of communists, as they didn't want to lose their wealth and social position. Communists didn't believe in religious institutions either, which worried churchgoers.
  • Hitler said that he would fight communism, and sent the SA to fight communist gangs, gaining support from the upper and middle classes
  • Reorganisation of Nazi Party

    • Nazi Party offices were set up all over Germany to recruit. In 1931, there were 100,000 men in the SA, by 1932 there were 400,000. The SA protected Hitler's meetings and influenced voters.
    • Propaganda such as radio, cinema, newspapers, leaflets and posters were used to influence Germans to their way of thinking. Hitler made Joseph Goebbels the chief Nazi propagandist in 1928
    • They took part in parades and rallies.
    • The Hitler Youth Organisation was set up to encourage the youth. Special clubs and trips were organised.
  • Hitler was up to date with technology. He travelled in planes and used the radio, which impressed many followers because the Nazis were so modern
  • Economic: American banks demanded Germany pay back all the money they had lent after WW1 so many banks went bankrupt
  • Social: Unemployment
    Rose from 1.3 million in Sept 1926 to 6 million in Jan 1933
  • Political: Chancellor Bruning had to rule by decree and was forced to resign in 1932
  • Social + Political: More young men joined the private armies and violent clashes became common on the streets
  • Social: The middle class lost their savings again
  • Social: People lost their homes and were forced to the streets
  • Economic + Social: Goods made in factories weren't selling so they had to close down
  • Who voted for the Nazis and why

    • Farmers
    • Women
    • Middle class
    • Soldiers/youth
    • Upper class factory owners
  • Farmers voted for Nazis because

    The depression hit them hard, the Weimar government didn't help them, Nazis promised higher prices, better quality of life, higher status, they hated communists
  • Women voted for Nazis because

    Nazis said family life, good morals and self-discipline were important, Hitler said the youth had been exposed to "a flood of muck and filth", many women agreed
  • Middle class voted for Nazis because

    They feared communists could destroy their life, Nazis promised to deal with them, Nazis showed order and discipline in a time of chaos
  • Soldiers/youth voted for Nazis because

    Nazis promised to tear up Treaty of Versailles and make Germany strong again, many young people wanted to be part of Germany's future, they were won over by Hitler's force of beliefs
  • Upper class factory owners voted for Nazis because

    Nazis promised strong leadership and a powerful nation, Hitler promised to run factories as they like and use them to build weapons, battleships and fighter planes
  • How Hitler became Chancellor
    1. Sep 1930: Nazis won 107 seats, second largest party, used propaganda and SA to disrupt communists - Brüning Chancellor
    2. Jul 1932: Weimar government failing, Hindenburg appointed Von Papen as Chancellor
    3. Nov 1932: Von Papen called election, Nazis seats fell slightly, Hindenburg refused to give Chancellor job to Hitler - Von Schleichen Chancellor
    4. Jan 1933: Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor, tried to limit his power by appointing Von Papen as Vice Chancellor
  • Hindenburg and his closest advisers thought they would be able to control Hitler
  • The Nazis fought communists
  • Reichstag Fire

    Event in February 1933 where the Reichstag (German parliament building) burned down
  • Hitler's actions before the 1933 Reichstag election

    1. Arranged a new election for March 1933
    2. Used propaganda and influence to get people to vote for him
  • A week before the 1933 Reichstag election, the Reichstag burned down