Development of epileptic-like seizures if sudden withdrawal - anticonvulsant properties of BZDs
Gradual withdrawal over a number of weeks or months
BZD antagonist - Flumazenil
Fast-onset, competitive inhibitor - interact with BZD receptors site
Reverse the binding of BZD to BZD receptors
Reversal agents for BZDs
Reversal of postoperative sedation from BZD anesthetics
Reversal of benzodiazepine overdose
Non-benzodiazepines allosteric modulators of GABAA receptors
Zaleplon, Zolpidem, Zopiclone (Z-drugs)
All Z-drugs bind to the regulatory site that is close to, but distinct from BZD binding site
Potentiate Cl- influx to the cells
Zaleplon has a high binding affinity to α1 receptors, with much lower affinity for α2/3
Zolpidem has a high binding affinity to α1 receptors, with much lower affinity for α2/3. No affinity for α5
Zopiclone has a higher affinity for α1 and α5 receptors, but still some modulation for α2/3
Non-benzodiazepines allosteric modulators of GABAA receptors
Strong hypnotic (sedative) effects
Weak anxiolytic, myorelaxant, and anticonvulsant properties
Very short duration of action; very short half-life
Short-term use for the treatment of insomnia
Barbiturates (Thiopental & Phenobarbital)
Act as positive allosteric modulators (low conc.) of GABAA receptors
Increase the duration of opening of Cl- channels (BZDs increase the frequency of opening of Cl- channels)
Function as direct agonists (high conc.) of GABAA receptors: activation of GABAA receptors
Inhibit the actions of glutamate by binding to the AMPA receptor
Barbiturates (Thiopental & Phenobarbital)
Clinical indications: Extensive use as an antiepileptic drug (status epilepticus), Induction of anaesthesia, Induction of coma for increased intracranial pressure in patients with traumatic brain injury (under ventilation controlled)
Binds to β2 and β3 subunits of GABAA receptors
Act as positive allosteric modulators (clinical dose) of GABAA receptors to enhance the effects of endogenous GABA in inducing both synaptic and extrasynaptic (tonic) currents
Function as direct agonists (above clinical dose) of GABAA receptors: activation of GABAA receptors
Use for induction of general anaesthesia
Baclofen - GABAB receptor agonist
Agonist at GABAB receptors expressed in presynaptic terminals of glutamatergic axons
Neuronal inhibition of glutamatergic axons
Inhibit adenylyl cyclase - decrease cAMP
Activate potassium channels
Inhibit voltage-gated calcium channel
Reduced glutamate release: inhibition
Used to treat muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury or in palliative care
Tiagabine - blocker of GABA transporter 1
GABA transporter (GAT) facilitates the reuptake of GABA to the presynaptic terminals and glial cells
Lowering GABA availability in the synapses for synaptic transmission (neuronal inhibition)
Tiagabine blocks the functions of GAT1 (predominant GAT in neocortex and hippocampus)
Increase the amount of GABA in the synapses
Prolong the duration of GABA to its receptors - increase synaptic transmission for neuronal inhibition
Used as an adjunctive treatment for epilepsy
Vigabatrin - blocker of GABA transaminase
GABA transaminase (GABA-T) is the main degradative enzyme of GABA
Fewer GABA is available for synaptic transmission (neuronal inhibition)
Vigabatrin serves as an irreversible inhibitor of GABA-T - long-lasting effects
Block the breakdown of GABA by GABA-T
Increase GABA content in the synapses
More GABA is available in the releasable pool
Enhance inhibitory transmission
Used as an adjunctive treatment for resistant epilepsy