
Cards (26)

  • CNS Depressants

    Drugs that enhance GABAergic synaptic transmission and therefore neuronal inhibition
  • Drugs targeting the GABA synapses

    • GABAA receptor allosteric modulation
    • GABAA receptor agonism
    • GABAB receptor agonism
    • GABA transporter inhibition
    • GABA transaminase inhibition
  • GABA
    • Inhibitory neurotransmitter
    • ~20% of neurons are GABAergic
    • Most are short interneurons
    • Some long GABAergic tracts (e.g. striatum to substantia nigra and globus pallidus)
    • Hyperpolarization of neurons
    • Making the membrane potential more negative
    • Less likely to fire action potential
  • GABAA receptors

    • Ligand-gated ion channel (ionotropic)
    • Selectively permeable to Cl- ions
    • Cl- enter the cells: hyperpolarization
    • Reduce the neuronal excitability
  • GABAB receptors

    • G protein-coupled receptors (metabotropic)
    • Inhibit adenylyl cyclase via Gi/Go
    • Reduced production of cAMP
    • Open the potassium channel: reduce postsynaptic excitability
  • GABAA receptors

    • Primarily located postsynaptically
    • Fast and tonic postsynaptic inhibition
    • Pentamer made up of different subunits
    • 19 known subunits now
    • In general, two α, two β, one γ in a sequence α-β-α-β-γ
    • GABA bind at α/β interface
    • Benzodiazepines bind at α/γ interface (subunit determine drug sensitivity)
  • GABAB receptors

    • Located pre- and postsynaptically
    • Require second messenger: cAMP
    • Dimer: B1 and B2 are seven-transmembrane subunit
    • B1: binds to GABA (Venus fly trap)
    • B2: interact and activate G protein
  • Benzodiazepines (BZDs)

    • Bind at α/γ interface (subunit determine drug sensitivity)
    • BZDs have NO agonist activity
    • NO direct action on ion flow
    • BZDs are positive allosteric modulators
    • Binding of BZDs to α/γ interface induces a conformational change of GABAA receptors
    • Enhance its affinity to GABA
  • Benzodiazepines (BZDs)

    • Only α1, α2, α3 and α5 are sensitive to BZDs
    • α1 and α5 induce sedation and hypnosis (at higher doses) to increase relaxation for improved focus and concentration
    • α2 and α3 induce anxiolytic/calming and muscle-relaxant effects
    • α1, α2, α3 and α5 subunits exhibit anticonvulsant activity (suppress the excessive rapid firing of neurons during seizures)
    • NO subunit-specific BDZs: unwanted side effects
    • α4 and α6 are insensitive to BDZs
  • Subunit selectivity of various BZDs
  • Diazepam
    • Fast-acting, long-lasting BZDs
    • Used to treat: Muscle spasm, Convulsions, Anxiety, Symptomatic relief of alcohol withdrawal
  • Lorazepam
    • Fast-acting (1-3 min), short-lived BZDs
    • Used to treat: Short-term relief of anxiety symptoms, Short-term use for anxiety-associated insomnia, Anaesthesia premedication, Convulsions
  • Midazolam
    • Fast-acting (water soluble), ultrashort-lived BZDs
    • Used to treat: Convulsions, Sedation, Adjunct to antipsychotic for confusion and restlessness in palliative care
  • Clonazepam
    • Fast-acting, long-lived BZDs
    • Used to treat: Broad spectrum of epilepsy, Short-term management of panic disorders, Acute treatment of panic attacks
  • Alprazolam
    • Fast-acting, medium-lived BZDs
    • Used to treat: Short-term use for treating anxiety, Panic disorders with or without agoraphobia
  • Side effects of BZDs (short-term)

    • Drowsiness - avoid driving or operating machinery
    • Confusion, especially in the elderly
    • Amnesia - memory impairment
    • Ataxia and muscle weakness
    • Potentiation of sedative effects of other CNS depressants - severe depression of respiratory and cardiovascular centres in the brainstem (fatal)
    • Paradoxical increase in aggression - suppress cortical inhibition of limbic areas of the brain that normally modulate social behaviour or conventions
  • Side effects of BZDs (long-term)

    • Dependence with physical and psychological withdrawal syndromes
    • Rebound anxiety, insomnia, nausea, and cognitive, perceptual and mood changes
    • Aggravate depression - provoke suicide
    • Apathy - emotional anaesthesia, decreased motivation
    • Development of epileptic-like seizures if sudden withdrawal - anticonvulsant properties of BZDs
    • Gradual withdrawal over a number of weeks or months
  • BZD antagonist - Flumazenil

    • Fast-onset, competitive inhibitor - interact with BZD receptors site
    • Reverse the binding of BZD to BZD receptors
    • Reversal agents for BZDs
    • Reversal of postoperative sedation from BZD anesthetics
    • Reversal of benzodiazepine overdose
  • Non-benzodiazepines allosteric modulators of GABAA receptors

    • Zaleplon, Zolpidem, Zopiclone (Z-drugs)
    • All Z-drugs bind to the regulatory site that is close to, but distinct from BZD binding site
    • Potentiate Cl- influx to the cells
    • Zaleplon has a high binding affinity to α1 receptors, with much lower affinity for α2/3
    • Zolpidem has a high binding affinity to α1 receptors, with much lower affinity for α2/3. No affinity for α5
    • Zopiclone has a higher affinity for α1 and α5 receptors, but still some modulation for α2/3
  • Non-benzodiazepines allosteric modulators of GABAA receptors

    • Strong hypnotic (sedative) effects
    • Weak anxiolytic, myorelaxant, and anticonvulsant properties
    • Very short duration of action; very short half-life
    • Short-term use for the treatment of insomnia
  • Barbiturates (Thiopental & Phenobarbital)

    • Act as positive allosteric modulators (low conc.) of GABAA receptors
    • Increase the duration of opening of Cl- channels (BZDs increase the frequency of opening of Cl- channels)
    • Function as direct agonists (high conc.) of GABAA receptors: activation of GABAA receptors
    • Inhibit the actions of glutamate by binding to the AMPA receptor
  • Barbiturates (Thiopental & Phenobarbital)

    Clinical indications: Extensive use as an antiepileptic drug (status epilepticus), Induction of anaesthesia, Induction of coma for increased intracranial pressure in patients with traumatic brain injury (under ventilation controlled)
  • Etomidate
    • Binds to β2 and β3 subunits of GABAA receptors
    • Act as positive allosteric modulators (clinical dose) of GABAA receptors to enhance the effects of endogenous GABA in inducing both synaptic and extrasynaptic (tonic) currents
    • Function as direct agonists (above clinical dose) of GABAA receptors: activation of GABAA receptors
    • Use for induction of general anaesthesia
  • Baclofen - GABAB receptor agonist

    • Agonist at GABAB receptors expressed in presynaptic terminals of glutamatergic axons
    • Neuronal inhibition of glutamatergic axons
    • Inhibit adenylyl cyclase - decrease cAMP
    • Activate potassium channels
    • Inhibit voltage-gated calcium channel
    • Reduced glutamate release: inhibition
    • Used to treat muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury or in palliative care
  • Tiagabine - blocker of GABA transporter 1

    • GABA transporter (GAT) facilitates the reuptake of GABA to the presynaptic terminals and glial cells
    • Lowering GABA availability in the synapses for synaptic transmission (neuronal inhibition)
    • Tiagabine blocks the functions of GAT1 (predominant GAT in neocortex and hippocampus)
    • Increase the amount of GABA in the synapses
    • Prolong the duration of GABA to its receptors - increase synaptic transmission for neuronal inhibition
    • Used as an adjunctive treatment for epilepsy
  • Vigabatrin - blocker of GABA transaminase
    • GABA transaminase (GABA-T) is the main degradative enzyme of GABA
    • Fewer GABA is available for synaptic transmission (neuronal inhibition)
    • Vigabatrin serves as an irreversible inhibitor of GABA-T - long-lasting effects
    • Block the breakdown of GABA by GABA-T
    • Increase GABA content in the synapses
    • More GABA is available in the releasable pool
    • Enhance inhibitory transmission
    • Used as an adjunctive treatment for resistant epilepsy