Germany could not afford reparations, so they begin printing more money which led to massive inflation.
War Debt
France and GB struggled to repay debts to the US
USSR refused to pay Russia's debt
Colonial governments suffered too because they had depended on the economies of their parent countries.
Vladimir Lenin's New Economic Policy
-introduced some limited free market principles
-The biggest institutions remained under state control
Five Year Plan
-authoritarian Joseph Stalin
-aimed to multiply Soviet industrial capacity
Farmland taken from private owners. Enraged farmers, were sent to gulag alongside political opponents.
Great Depression
-US Stock Market crashed
-led to governments using Deficit spending
Franklin D Roosevelt's New Deal
Brought the country relief, recovery, and reform.
European powers and the Japanese maintained their colonial holdings in the interwar period, and in some cases, states gained colonial territory as a result of the war.
Mandate System
Middle Eastern territories would become mandates administered by the League of Nations.
Class C Mandates
smallest population/least developed
treated as colonies
several islands in the Pacific
Class B Mandates
larger populations/still underdeveloped
most of Germany's colonies in Africa
Class A Mandates
Large populations/sufficiently developed
suitable for independence and self-rule
Indian National Congress
Formed before WWI for petitioning the British government for greater degrees of self rule in India. An example of colonial resistance
African National Congress
founded in South Africa by western-educated lawyers and journalists
dedicated itself to obtaining equal rights for colonial subjects in S. Africa
influenced by Pan-Africanism
aimed for the equality and unity of all black people across the world