
Cards (9)

  • Dyspnoea
    A common symptom with long term conditions or terminal illness
  • Dyspnoea
    Urge and hunger for more air
  • Dyspnoea in diseases which impair respiratory muscles
    • Work/effort increases
    • Tightness is associated with bronchoconstriction
    • Air hunger/unsatisfied inspiration creating a drive to breath which cannot be matched and satisfied
  • Measures of Dyspnoea

    • Sensory-perceptual experience
    • Affective distress
    • Impact or burden
  • Sensory-perceptual experience
    Borg scale and VAS
  • Affective distress
    Severity rating scale and Emotional response scale (anxiety)
  • Impact or burden
    MRC scale, functional ability and life/health status
  • MRC scale

    • 0 No breathlessness except with strenuous exercise
    • 1 Shortness of breath when hurrying on the level or walking up a slight hill
    • 2 Walks slower than people of the same age on the level because of breathlessness or has to stop for breath when walking at own pace on the level
    • 3 Stops for breath after walking about 100 metres or after a few minutes on the level
    • 4 Too breathless to leave the house or breathless when dressing or undressing
  • Borg CR10 scale
    • Only focus' on breathlessness on it's own as a symptom
    • Used with exercise tests to measure breathlessness in 'real time'
    • 0 = no breathlessness and 10 = maximum breathlessness