AP English Rubric

Cards (18)

  • Thesis
    Presents a defensible position that responds to the prompt
  • Thesis
    • Cannot simply restate the prompt
    • Cannot just summarize the issue with no apparent claim
    • Must take a clear position
  • Evidence
    Specific details from at least 3 of the provided sources to support claims
  • Commentary
    Explains how the evidence supports a line of reasoning
  • Sophistication
    • Demonstrates nuanced argument, explores complexities, articulates implications/limitations, makes effective rhetorical choices, employs vivid and persuasive style
  • Rhetorical Analysis

    Analyzes the writer's rhetorical choices
  • Evidence
    Support for claims in a line of reasoning
  • Commentary
    Explanation of how evidence supports a line of reasoning
  • Responses that earn 0 points

    • Are incoherent or do not address the prompt
    • May be just opinion with no textual references or references that are irrelevant
  • Responses that earn 1 point

    • Tend to focus on summary or description of a passage rather than specific details or techniques
    • Mention rhetorical choices with little or no explanation
  • Responses that earn 2 points

    • Consist of a mix of specific evidence and broad generalities
    • May contain some simplistic, inaccurate, or repetitive explanations that don't strengthen the argument
    • May make one point well but either do not make multiple supporting claims or do not adequately support more than one claim
    • Do not explain the connections or progression between the student's claims, so a line of reasoning is not clearly established
  • Responses that earn 3 points

    • Uniformly offer evidence to support claims
    • Focus on the importance of specific words and details from the passage to build an argument
    • Organize an argument as a line of reasoning composed of multiple supporting claims
    • Commentary may fail to integrate some evidence or fail to support a key claim
  • Responses that earn 4 points

    • Uniformly offer evidence to support claims
    • Focus on the importance of specific words and details from the passage to build an argument
    • Organize and support an argument as a line of reasoning composed of multiple supporting claims, each with adequate evidence that is clearly explained
    • Explain how the writer's use of rhetorical choices contributes to the student's interpretation of the passage
  • Writing that suffers from grammatical and/or mechanical errors that interfere with communication cannot earn the fourth point in the Evidence and Commentary row
  • Sophistication
    Demonstration of sophistication of thought and/or a complex understanding of the rhetorical situation
  • Responses that do not earn the Sophistication point
    • Attempt to contextualize the text, but such attempts consist predominantly of sweeping generalizations
    • Only hint at or suggest other arguments
    • Examine individual rhetorical choices but do not examine the relationships among different choices throughout the passage
    • Oversimplify complexities in the passage
    • Use complicated or complex sentences or language that is ineffective because it does not enhance the analysis
  • Responses that earn the Sophistication point

    • Explaining the significance or relevance of the writer's rhetorical choices (given the rhetorical situation)
    • Explaining a purpose or function of the passage's complexities or tensions
    • Employing a style that is consistently vivid and persuasive
  • The Sophistication point should be awarded only if the sophistication of thought or complex understanding is part of the student's argument, not merely a phrase or reference