Resurrection - main events

Cards (7)

  • When Shabbat was over women went to anoint Jesus‘ body with Spices - it was very early Sunday morning
  • Johns gospel -
    • Mary Magdalene was first to arrive
    • Didnt recognise Jesus - thought he was a gardener
    • recognised him when He calle her by her name
  • The stone covering the tomb was rolled away
    • As they entered the tomb they saw a Angel in a white robe on the right side
    • they were alarmed
    • he told them not to be alarmed and that Jesus has risen Hes no longer in the tomb
  • Peter + John ran to the tomb
  • When Jesus appeared to his disciples Thomas doubted His resurrection until he touched Jesus’ wound
  • Luke’s gospel includes an account of Jesus appearing to Cleopas and another on the road to Emmaus