
Cards (9)

  • what is glocalisation?

    describes a product or service that is developed and sold globally, but also adapted to meet the needs and wants of customers in a local market
  • what are the different marketing approaches?

  • what is ethnocentric?

    assumes that what works in home markets willl also work in international markets
  • advantages of an ethnocentric approach

    marketing economies of scale
  • disadvantages of an ethnocentric approach
    cultrual insensitivity
    resistance to change
  • what is a geocentric approach?

    regognises difference in national markets
    main aim to to build a truly global brand
  • what is a polycentric approach?

    recognised that every netional market requires a different marketing mix
  • what is market development?
    existing products into a new market
  • evaluation of market development
    logical strategy when products in decline or markets saturated
    existing product may not suit the new market