Cards (17)

  • FCA is a battery of standardised tests used to assess a worker’s capacity to perform their work duties.
    • Provides performance-based measures of the worker’s physical capacity to predict return to pre-injury or suitable work duties, along with rehabilitation recommendations
    • Administered with utmost consideration for worker safety and wellbeing
    • Should ALWAYS follow BPS
  • Contraindications to undertaking a FCA
    • No medical clearance by NTD or insurer
    • Further information required (medical history, current work duties)
    • Unstable medical conditions or recent surgery
    • Psychiatric or behavioural issues / evidence of substance abuse
    • Communication barriers
    • Recently completed FCA / No informed consent
  • Method
    1. Ensure you have received approval from the NTD
    2. Explain the FCA to the worker - complete PAR-Q and informed consent
    3. Ensure screening questionnaire is completed (stop here if contraindicated)
    4. Resting measures - explain RPE, take HR and BP
    5. Perform physical assessment
    6. Commence functional work-related assessments
    7. Debrief worker once assessments complete
    8. Follow-up in 24 hours
    NB: Make sure you note EVERYTHING down - results, data, measures of HR, BP
  • Data collection:
    • BPS assessment and history taking
    • Work-related functional activities
    • Musculoskeletal assessment (e.g. ROM, posture, MMT, grip strength)
    • Postural tolerances (e.g. kneeling, crouching, sitting, etc.)
    • Measures of intensity, pain, etc. (e.g. VAS, HR, RPE, BP)
    • Movement quality + safe manual handling score
  • Reporting
    NB: Reports are marketing tools where good reports generate referrals
    1. Start with executive summary detailing primary findings and recommendations (max. 2 pages)
    2. Follow with raw data:
    3. Age/gender norms
    4. Screening questionnaire scorings
    5. Clinical significance of all results
    6. Ensure detailed references
    7. Include AEP details
    8. Referral link at end
  • NB: You need a REGISTERED SIRA provider no. for Worker’s Comp
    • Vocational rehab via Disability Employment Services”:
    • Workplace assessment
    • Workplace modifications or special equipment
    • Workplace support to help manage injury
  • Definition and Requirements
    Workplace assessment - on-site assessment of worker performing pre-injury duties / suitable work options with the employer to:
    • Identify tasks within the worker’s current capacity
    • Design recover at work plan precisely matches to workers current capacity
    • Upgrade tasks safely to improve work capacity
  • Pre-assessment requirements
    • Receipt of referral
    • Approval to conduct assessment
    • Discussion of objectives with referrer (i.e. NTD)
    • Review other relevant documents
    • Plan assessment protocol and collect necessary equipment
    • Clearly explain objectives of assessment to worker
    • Complete any relevant screening questionnaires
    1. Executive summary (Succinct summary of FCA findings + reason for referral)
    • Results of FCA
    • Recommendations concerning RTW based on FCA data
    • Needs for further training, physical rehabilitation or other strategies to reduce risk of further injury
    1. Assessment Objective
    2. Worker’s self-report
    3. Function
    4. Recommendations
    • Self-reported pain and disability assessments
    • VAS
    • Orebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire
    • Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire
    • Pain Self-efficacy Questionnaire
    • Work-related ROM
    • Trunk flexion
    • Trunk rotation
    • Trunk extension
    • Trunk lateral flexion
    • Functional Performance Assessment
    • Walking self-paced test
    • Forward lean / seating / standing capacity
    • Push / pull / carry capacity
    • Squat / climb / kneeling capacity
  • When invoicing the FCA you will include hours for travel, FCA report and testing
  • A worker will need to access their FCA report through their insurer
  • Copies of an FCA report should be kept for 7 years
  • In the worker’s self-report section of the FCA report, a Roland Morris Disability score of 2 from 18 would be reported as Casper perceiving his injury having little impact on his daily function
  • Recommendations for manual handling training is valid based on a safe manual handling score of 65%