The family is defined as "a group of people living together under the same roof who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption."
Types of families
Nuclear family
Single-parent family
Sibling family
Blended/Reogarnized family
Extended family
Nuclear family
Consists of bothparents and a child or children living together under the sameroof
Single-parent family
Only oneparent lives with the child or children
Sibling family
Bothparents are absent and an oldersibling lives with and takes care of the youngerones
Blended/Reorganized family
Oneoriginalfamily is blended, and the mother/father
with a child or children, form a new family with anothermaleorfemale.
Extended family
Two or moregenerations are living together under the sameroof; more than the nuclear family including aunts, uncles, cousins.
Functions of the family
Psychological and EmotionalDevelopment
Children are taught how to function in society, appropriate behaviors, rules, responsibilities, and basic survival skills.
The continuation of the human race; having babies; bringing new life into the world
Economic unit
The family must takes care of its members' needs and wants, including providingfood and shelter.Itsupportschildrenwhoaretooyoungtowork and toassistthosegrandparentswhoareunabletowork.
Family unions
LegalMarriage (Monogamy)
Common-Law Union
Visiting Relationship
Legal Marriage (Monogamy)
This is a formalmarriage between one man and one womanrecognizedbylaw through religious/formalceremony
Common-Law Union
A man and woman living together for 5years or more without being legally married
Visiting Relationship
A relationship between a man and woman who don't live together and visiteachother for money, sex or toseetheirchildren
Traditional Family Roles
Father as breadwinner and disciplinarian, main decisionmaker
Mother stayshome, responsible for domesticduties, the caregiver and satisfying the man'ssexualneeds.
Children help with chores and babysitting.
Grandparents provideadvice and babysit
Traditional family roles have changed over time due to womenseekinghighereducation and employment, leading to men becoming marginalized
Considerations for becoming a parent
Physical and health readiness of the mother
Financial readiness
Emotional and psychological readiness
Knowledge and skills
Laws exist to protect familymembers from themselves, eachother, and outsideinfluences, such as in cases of divorce, inheritance, child/domesticabuse
General solutions for family issues include meetings, publiceducationcampaigns, and counseling