strength is that there is evidence from research to show that it is effective
butler et al conducted a large scale investigation into the effectiveness using CBT as a treatment for patients with depression
they reviewed three meta-analyses regarding the use of group and individual CBT as treatment for depression. concluded that both CBT appears to be effective
strength because large body of evidence to suggest it is highly effective
2. strength that it does not have the same unwanted side effects as anti-depressants
2. suggests that it may be better option than drug therapy as encourages patients to continue with therapy and may be considered more ethical
2. not generally offered on the NHS
2. means most patients with depression have no choice but to use medication if they want to actively treat symptoms
3. limitation is whether it addresses the cause or symptoms of depression
3. can be questioned whether negative thoughts lead to depression, or if the depression leads to the negative thoughts
3. a prospective study found there was no relationship between negative thoughts, irrational beliefs and future depression
3. means that changing the negative thinking, you will not be treating root cause of depression, only symptoms
4. limitation is appropriatness
4. may not be appropriate for all
4. appears to be less suitable for those with high levels of irrational beliefs
4. weakness as it suggests the therapy doesn’t take into account individual differences