5 physical factors that can affect somebody include inheritance, ill health, mental health, physical ability and disability and sensory impairments
5 lifestyle factors that can affect somebody include nutrition,physical activity, alcohol, smoking, drugs
5 cultural factors that can affect somebody includes religion, community groups, gender identity,gender expectations and sexual orientation
5 social factors that can affect somebody includes supportive and unsupportive relationships, social inclusion and exclusion, bullying and discrimination
the 5 main food groups include 48% fruit and vegetables, 38% carbohydrates, 12% protein, 8% dairy, 2% oils and spreads
the economic factors that can affect someone include their employmentstatus and their finance resources
Environmental factors that can affect someone includes their housing, home environment and pollution
a Child/ teenager should complete 1 hour of moderate or vigorous exercise per day
An adult should complete 2.30 hours of moderate or 1.15hours of vigorous exercise a week
Alcohol should be consumed up to 14 units a week spread out over 3 or more days and not drank at once as it can lead to binge drinking
The government guidance for smoking suggests that smoking is legal but is NOTrecommended
A legal drug is safe to take and is usually prescribed by a health and social care professional, whereas an illegal drug is unsafe to take and can be given to you by anyone
The normal resting heart rate for babies should vary between 70- 190 bpm
The normal resting heart rate for adults should vary between 60-100bpm
Someone’s resting heart rate can be over 100bpm if they are overweight or physically inactive
Low blood pressure is 90/60mmHG or lower
Ideal blood pressure is 90/60mmHg to 120/80mmHg
Pre high blood pressure is 120/80mmHg to 140/90mmHg
High blood pressure is 140/90mmHg or above
The BMI reading for someone who is underweight is less than 18.5
The BMI reading for someone who has a healthy weight is between 18.5 -24.9
The bmi reading for someone who is overweight is between 25 - 29.9
The BMI reading for someone who is obese is between 30 - 34.9
The BMI for someone who is severely obsese 35 - 39.9
the bmi reading for someone who is morbidly obese is 40 or above
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that affects the lungs and digestive system
Sickle cell disease is a genetic disorder that causes red blood cells to become misshapen and stick together
Cystic fibrosis can cause a shortness of breathe, coughing and chest infections
Type 2 diabetes is when the body can't produce enough insulin or the body cells don't respond to insulin
Blood pressure is measure Of how strongly your blood presses against the wall of your arteries
A person centred approach is allowes each individual to be involved in decisions regarding their own care or treatment
the 6 barriers are physical, sensory, social + cultural, speech + language, geographical and finance
5 obstacles are emotional, time, resources, unachievable targets and lack of support