
Cards (200)

  • Earth systems

    Interacting systems that make up the Earth
  • Hydrosphere
    Part of the Earth containing water
  • Largest part of Earth's fresh water is not located in the hydrosphere
  • Salt water is the largest part of Earth's water
  • Approximately 1% of Earth's water is available for human use
  • Lithosphere
    Part of the Earth layers that make up the solid outer shell
  • Plate boundaries

    • Convergent
    • Divergent
    • Transform
  • Pangaea
    Supercontinent that existed in the past
  • Wegener's theory of continental drift was rejected
  • Studying the ages of rocks on either side of the Mid Oceanic Ridge
  • Landforms associated with plate collision

    • Mountains
    • Island Arcs
    • Trench
    • Subduction zone
  • Ring of Fire

    Region of high volcanic and seismic activity around the Pacific Ocean
  • The Himalayas Mountain is associated with a convergent plate boundary
  • Mineral
    Naturally occurring inorganic solid with a defined chemical composition and crystal structure
  • Characteristics of minerals

    • Cleavage
    • Luster
    • Hardness
    • Specific gravity
  • Some minerals react with acid
  • Types of rocks

    • Igneous
    • Sedimentary
    • Metamorphic
  • Formation of igneous rocks
    Cooling of molten magma
  • Silicate minerals

    Minerals with a main composition of silicon and oxygen
  • Rock cycle

    Transformation of rocks between igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic states
  • Types of igneous rocks

    • Extrusive
    • Intrusive
  • Lava
    Molten rock that reaches the Earth's surface
  • Magma
    Molten rock beneath the Earth's surface
  • Extrusive igneous rocks
    Have smaller grain sizes
  • Intrusive igneous rocks
    Have larger grain sizes
  • Sediment smaller than silt is clay
  • Fossils are found in shales because they are fine-grained sedimentary rocks that can preserve delicate fossils
  • Evaporites
    Sedimentary rocks formed by the evaporation of water, such as halite and gypsum
  • Clastic sedimentary rock

    Sedimentary rock composed of fragments of pre-existing rocks
  • Breccia
    Clastic sedimentary rock with angular fragments
  • Conglomerate
    Clastic sedimentary rock with rounded fragments
  • Lithification
    The process of compaction and cementation that turns sediment into sedimentary rock
  • Higher-grade metamorphic rocks
    Have undergone more exposure to heat and pressure
  • Parent and daughter relationship in metamorphic rocks

    Limestone is the parent to marble
  • Regional metamorphism is generally caused by tectonic activity
  • Types of metamorphic rocks

    • Foliated
    • Non-foliated
  • Contact metamorphism
    Metamorphism caused by the heat of an igneous intrusion
  • Fault types

    • Normal
    • Reverse
  • Folding
    Deformation of rock layers into folds
  • Anticline
    A fold where the oldest rocks are in the center