stereotypes- lower sets and expectations thru ed triage= lower self esteem and achievement
what did gilborn + youdell find abt blck students?
felt disadv due to their neg treatment in schools. often blamed for disiplinary probs, expelled + teachers had lower expectations of them—> did less well vs yt kids
what did clineetal say abt pupilracism?
signif em reported: namecalling, rudeness, verbalabuse (travellers faced bullying, harassment)= lowerselfesteem, distress, bad experience of school vs yt british pupils= isolation, fatalism,fightingbackagainstracism, getting in trouble
what did troyna+williams say abt the way schools are organised?
need to look at the way schools routinely, unconsciously discriminate against em pupils. institutional racism in schools e.g notrecruitingPOCtosenior positions
what does the ethnocentriccurriculum entail?
subjects like: history, RE, eng lit macro focus on yteuropeans + their achievements
natcurriculumexcludesblckppl’shistory+non-eurolit + music= isolation, feel ignored, anger, rebellion and lack of engagement in school
how is schoolorganisationethnocentric?
holidays based around christiancalender, ignores other religious holidays.
school meals= no halal, kosher food
uniforms= interrupt beliefs e.g some girls only allowed to wear skirts this excludesmuslim girls
no protective hairstyles allowed= exclusion of black cult
how can we criticise the ethnocentriccurriclum?
our curriculum may largely ignore eg asian cult but indian + chinese achievement above nat average! unlikely to make signifdiff to achievement + deffo not only explanation
how many em live in low income household?
what ethnic groups are more likely materially deprived?
pakistani, bangladeshi, AC
why are some em groups morelikely in poverty?
foreignqualifications not recognised in uk, racism in housing and labour markets
what groups are in higher class positions?
indian, chinese A= highest achievemen!
how can we crticise mat dep theory for em’s?
even those ind + ch mat deprived still do better than most!
bang= highest rates of FSM used to be lowest achieving, now exceeding nat average
s/c doesn’t override influence of ethnicity
why do em underachieve if cult deprived?
due to inadequate socialisation in the home
why are kids w EALdisasv according to cult dep theorists?
not using eng enough to improve eng to high level, no help w h/w from non- speaking fam members
difficult to communicate w predominately yt m/c teachers, mistake lang diffs as lack of ability in gen= lower expectations
how did gilborn criticise theorists saying EAL is a factor for underachievement?
high attainment of Ind pupils w EAL not often a barrier for success
what did the swannreport say abt lang?
lang didn’t effect progress in school for later generations!
what are yt w/c families considered?
lowest achievers, no aspirations
what did lupton say abt ytw/careas and schools?
poorer levels behaviour + disipline in yt schools
blamed on: neg attitudes, low levels of support from yt w/c parents- dislike ed
vs em parents see ed as upward social mobility
what did gillianevans say abt ut w/c areas?
street cult: brutal, learn how to handle + do intimidation
schl= place for power games like in streets, brings disruption + harder for pupils to suceed
what did moynihan say abt blacl fams?
high likelihood single parent fams, kids deprived adequate care, cuz they struggle w ££ no time to spend w kids
dads absence= x role model of male achievement for boys
independent AC women raise girls= pos role models + help explain their higher success rate
what did vincentetal say about black m/c families?
concerned w actively involving their kids schooling e.g enrolling them in many extra-curriculars, tutors and highstandardsdrilled!
what did driver + ballard say about asian fams?
close-knitted extended fam, high parental standards increase levels of achievement in asian comms
what did sewell say about asian fams?
ind + ch fam supportive ‘asianworkethic’highvalue of ed= motivation to workharder
e.g tigermums
how can we criticisecultdep theory?
keddie= victim blaming explanation, em cult diff not deprived low achievemnt cuz schls= ethnocentric biased and against em
how does racism in widersociety effect em achievemen?
social exclusion= worsening extent of pov
evidence of deliberate discrimination in jobs
wood et al= 1/16 em appl offered interviews vs 1/9 yt.
membs of em= unemployment and lowpay, neg effects on kids edprospects that dev thru mat dep ( diet, lack of ed extras) etc