Situational variables

Cards (4)

  • Proximity of learner 

    In original study teacher and learner were in adjoining rooms and 65% gave maximum shock (450v). This dropped to 40% when the learner and teacher were in the same room. The dramatic version, the learner had to put their hand onto a shock plate when refused to answer and obedience dropped to 30%. It makes the learners suffering hard to ignore.
  • Proximity of researcher
    If the researcher left the room and gave instructions via a telephone so no face to face the obedience drops to 20.5%. This is because the orders are easier to resist if authority figure isn't there.
  • Change location 

    Milgram conducted the experiment in a run down building rather than a prestigious university setting. The experimenter seemed less legitimate so PP are more likely to question it. The obedience rate fell to 47.5% which is less than 65% which was in the university.
  • Change in uniform
    Experimenter always wore a white lab coat as a symbol of authority. When role of experimenter was taken over by a member of the public (not really) who wore everyday clothes. Obedience rate dropped to 20%.