302 final

Cards (34)

  • Evidence-based treatments

    Interventions/therapies supported by scientific research
  • Producer of research
    • Administering an anxiety questionnaire to multiple people as a part of the study
  • Assumption of rationality

    The universe follows laws that may be understood by way of logical thinking
  • Applied research
    • An educational psychologist who looks for a way to increase math skills in 8 year olds
  • Occam's razor

    The simplest solution is the best, all things being equal
  • Relationship between hypothesis and theories

    Hypotheses are a step taken to determine if a theory is accurate
  • Intuition
    • "It seems to me that frustration causes aggression"
  • Tenacity
    • Listening to the same song on the way to every softball game making the player "know" he's going to play well
  • Probabilistic nature of behavioral research

    Research finding are not expected to explain all cases all of the time
  • Harking
    Hypothesizing after the results are known
  • Confirmation bias

    Asking questions to get the answers we want
  • Confound
    An alternative explanation for an outcome, correlated with and difficult to tease apart from the IV
  • Population frame

    The population as defined for the purposes of the study
  • Sampling types

    • Probability sampling is simple random sampling
    • Nonprobability sampling is haphazard sampling
  • Stratified random sample

    The population has identifiable subgroups that are of interest to the researcher
  • Advantage of cluster sampling over simple random sampling

    Yields greater generalizability
  • Multistage cluster sampling
    • Danielle randomly selected 5 out of 10 dance studios, then randomly selected students from each of the 5 studios
  • Independent variable

    Long distance relationships
  • Difference between ratio and interval scale

    A ratio scale has a zero value that actually means "nothing" or "the absence of something", but an interval scale does NOT
  • Nominal level of measurement

    • Classification of psychiatric patients as either "neurotic=1" or "psychotic=2"
  • Label scale of measurement

    • UIN
  • Ratio scale
    • Number of times a laboratory monkey presses a bar in its experimental chamber during a one-hour period
  • Test-retest reliability
    Confirms the temporal stability of a measure
  • Reliability types requiring more than one administration
    • Test retest and alternate forms
  • Criterion related validity

    The extent to which scores on a test can be used to predict and individual's behavior
  • Content related validity

    The extent to which the items on a test are representative of the domain they are supposed to represent
  • Systematic error

    • The eye tracking software is off by 5 millimeters
  • Multi-trait multi-method matrices
    Used to demonstrate construct related validity
  • Psychological theories

    Explain why or how
  • Implicit measure of affect/emotion/mood
    • Word Fragment Completion test
  • Eye tracking technology

    Used to infer information about perception and attention
  • Problem with common sense as a way of knowing
    Standards of common sense vary according to the culture
  • Oversampling
    • Intentionally seeking out a sample in which 40% are left-handed when the population is 80% right-handed
  • Kuder-Richardson-20
    Measure of internal consistency for a dichotomously scored test