Cards (41)

  • stan -meaning “land of”.
  • Central Asia - has historically been closely tied to its
    nomadic peoples and the Silk Road.
  • Buddhism and Zoroastrianism - were the major faiths in Central Asia prior to the
    arrival of Islam.
  • Islam - is the religion most common in the Central Asian Republics
  • Kazakhstan - is the world's largest landlocked country, and the ninth-largest country in the world
  • Mausoleum of Rabigi Sultan Begim
  • The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi
  • Andrei Pavlovich Zenkov - was a military engineer-builder and architect.
  • Cathedral in Almaty - (54 m. high) which is
    considered one of the eight most unique
    wooden buildings in the world
  • Burana Tower
  • Kyrgyzstan - is also a landlocked country with a highly mountainous terrain. It is
    bounded by Kazakhstan on the northwest and north, by China on the east and
    south, and by Tajikistan and Uzbekistan on the south and west.
  • National History Museum (Lenin Museum)
  • The Bishkek Circus
  • National Library of Kyrgyzstan - largest facility in the Kyrgystan Republic
  • Ismaili Center
  • Tajikistan - became an independent sovereign nation when the Soviet Union disintegrated.
  • The vast majority of Tajikistanis are Muslim
  • Castle of Hisor
  • Sarazm
  • National Museum
  • Hotel Tajikistan
  • The first skyscraper in Tajikistan was a hotel
  • Bahrom Yusupov - President of Union of Architects of Tajikistan
  • Wheel of Enlightenment
  • After 69 years as part of the Soviet Union (including 67 years as a union republic), Turkmenistan declared its independence on October 27, 1991.
  • Muslims constitute 89% of the population in Turkmenistan while 9% of the population are followers of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the remaining 2% religion is reported as non-religious
  • The Minaret of Kutlug Timur - the tallest minaret in Central Asia
  • Parthian Capital of Nisa
  • Neutrality Arch
  • Yyldiz Hotel
  • Only the tsar in Turkmenistan decides how the city
    looks. Architects are never named, as the architect is secondary, and individuality in architecture is
  • Nearly four-fifths of Uzbekistan territory, the sundried western area, has the appearance of a wasteland.
  • Uzbekistan has the largest population out of all the countries in Central Asia, and is the second-largest
  • Fayez Tepe
  • Registan - public square in Registan was termed "the noblest public square in the world" by Lord Curzon,
  • Bibi-Khanym Mosque - One of the greatest monuments of Uzbek architecture
  • Hilton Hotel
  • National Bank of Uzbekistan office building - It is the largest bank of Uzbekistan
  • Ulughbek - was notable for his work in astronomy related mathematics, such as trigonometry and spherical geometry, as well as his general interests in the arts and intellectual activities