The cognitive interview

Cards (7)

  • Fisher and Geiselman argued...
    EWT can be improved if police used better techniques when interviewing witnesses
  • How many main techniques?
    4 main techniques
    1. Report everything
    Witnesses encouraged to include every detail of the event
    Including every detail may trigger other important memories
  • 2. Reinstate the context
    Witnesses should return to the original crime scene in their mind
    Imagine environment and their emotions
  • 3. Reverse the order
    Witnesses should recall the event in different order to original sequence
    Prevents reporting their expectations of how event happened
  • 4. Change perspective

    Witnesses should recall incident from other perspectives
    Disrupts effect of schema on recall
  • Enhanced cognitive interview

    Focus on social dynamics of interaction
    E.g. reducing eyewitness anxiety, minimising distractions and asking open-ended questions