anaerobic respiration

Cards (9)

  • where does anaerobic respiration take place?

  • can you describe anaerobic respiration in animals ?

    1. during glycolysis triose phosphate loses a H+ so is oxidised and produces NADH and pyruvate
    2. pyruvate then gains a H+ from NADH so pyruvate is reduced and NADH is oxidised to NAD
    3. lactate is produced
  • what does anaerobic respiration produce in animals?
  • what does anaerobic respiration produce in plants and microorganisms ?
    enthanol ( 2carbon) and carbondioxide
  • how many atps are produced during anaerobic respiration?
    2 because theyre only produced during glycolysis
  • what happens when theres a build up of lactate?
    it lowers the PH of blood so causes muscle pain and headaches so is converted to glycogen or pyruvate
  • what happens to ethanol?
    its expelled as a waste product
  • compare the location of aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration?
    • anaerobic respiration only takes place in the cytoplasm
    • aerobic respiration takes place in both the cytoplasm and mitochonria
  • compare ATP yield in anaerobic respiration and aerobic respiration?
    • in anaerobic respiration theres only a yeild of 2 ATP
    • however in aerobic respiration there can be a yeild of over 30 ATPs , its produced during glycolysis, krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation