Learning theory - 'cupboard love' Dollard and miller
AO3 learning theory - counter-evidence from animal studies: Lorenz geese imprint on first moving object (no food). Harlow monkeys favoured comfort over food.
AO3 learning theory - counter-evidence from human studies: schaffer and emerson babies formed attachment to their mother with no food involved.
AO3 learning theory - conditioning involved: babies associate warm and comfortable feeling with a caregiver which influences attachment. Learning theory useful.
Internal working model - child forms mental representation of relationship with the primary caregiver
serves as a model for what future relationships are like
base their parenting style from their experience of their parents
AO3 - Monotropy lacks validity: Shaffer and Emerson - a minority of babies attached to multiple people. First attachment is just stronger not different qualities.
AO3 - support for social releasers: Brazelton - observed babies triggerinteractions. When attachment figures ignore babies social releases babies became distressed. Social releasers important in emotional development.
AO3 - support for internal working models: Bailey - observed attachment relationship in 99 mothers and I year olds. Mothers with poor attachment to primary caregiver were poorly attached to babies.