Nature of God

Cards (11)

  • Nature of God, Omnipotence: 'Nothing is............"

    'Nothing is impossible with God'.
  • Nature of God, Benevolence: 'God so loved.............."

    'God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son'.
  • Nature of God, Transcendance: "For as the heavens are higher than the earth,......................................"

    "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
  • How does God's omnipotence influence christians today?

    -They will follow God's commandments
    -Worship Gods power/God himself
    -Fear God's wrath
  • How does God demonstrate omnipotence?

    -when he created the universe
    -when he created the incarnation
    -when he performed miracles as Jesus
  • When God gave Moses the Ten commandments how did he expect people to behave regarding Justice?
    "let justice roll like a river"
  • What did Jesus say about Justice/equality?

    "In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you"
  • How did God demonstrate his Justness?
    -The parable of the sheep and the goats
    -Judging people based on how well they had behaved, nothing else
  • How does God's Justness influence christians today?

    -Think about the consequences of their actions as they want to be rewarded on the Day of Judgement
    -Believe that any wicked actions will be made fair
    -Work for justice in society so they can be just and compassionate as God teaches
  • How did God demonstrate his benevolence?

    -He created us and gave us all we needed to live
    -He made us in his image
    -God sacrificed his only son for us
  • How does God's Benevolce influence christians today?

    -Christians will try to love eachother and treat all with care and respect (this is called the golden rule)
    -Christians believe that God's greatest act of love was sending Jesus to earth
    -Christians will 'love their enemies' to demonstrate agape- self-giving love