The Skeleton and Muscles

Cards (34)

  • What are the 2 regions the human skeleton is divided into?
    The axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton.
  • Which bones does the axial skeleton contain?
    The skull, facial bones, spine ribcage and sternum.
  • Which parts of the body does the appendicular skeleton contain?
    The limbs, pectoral girdle and pelvic girdle.
  • What are the functions of spinal discs?
    To act as a shock absorber and protect the vertabrae from rubbing against eachother.
  • What type of tissue is bone?
    Dense connective tissue.
  • What are osteoblasts?
    Bone making cells.
  • What is the function of inorganic material?
    Strengthening bones.
  • What is the function of organic material?
    Gives the bone flexibility.
  • Where is spongy bone found?
    In the epiphysis of long bones.
  • What is the function of spongy bone?
    To give strength and rigidity to bones without making them to heavy.
  • What is the function of the medullary cavity?
    To contain bone marrow.
  • What is the function in making red bone marrow?
    Making red blood cells.
  • What is the function of yellow bone marrow?
    To contain fat-storage cells.
  • What is the function of cartilage?
    To act as a shock absorber and protect the ends of long bones.
  • What are osteoclasts?

    Cells that break down bone.
  • What stimulates osteoblasts?

    Physical activity.
  • What effect does physical activity have on osteoblasts.
    Strengthens the bones.
  • Where is Human Growth Hormone (HGH) produced?
    The pituitary gland (brain).
  • What effect does HGH + sex hormones have on bones?
    Increases the size and strength of bones.
  • What is the function of a tendon?

    To connect muscle to bone.
  • What is a joint?
    Where two (or more) bones meet.
  • Give 1 example of an immovable joint.

    The skull.
  • Give an example of a slightly movable joint.

    The joints between vertebrae in the upper spinal column.
  • What is the function of a ligament?
    To prevent the overextension of bones at a joint.
  • What is the function of synovial fluid in synovial joints?

    Reduces friction at the joint by lubricating it.
  • Give 1 example of a type of freely movable joint.

    Ball and socket.
  • What is another name for freely movable joints?
    Synovial joints.
  • Name 1 musculoskeletal disorder which you have studied.
  • What is the cause of osteoarthritis?
    Wear and tear.
  • How can osteoarthritis be prevented?

    By reducing wear and tear on certain joints.
  • How can osteoarthritis be treated?

    Rest and weight loss.
  • What is the adaption of muscle?
    To contract. (shorten)
  • What are muscles that work opposite to eachother called?

    Antagonistic muscles.
  • Give an example of antagonistic muscles.

    Biceps and triceps.