Cards (36)

  • Creation ex nihilo
    “Creation out of nothing” Only God can create out of nothing
  • Evolution
    The process of mutation and natural selection leads to changes in species over time to suit their environment
  • Imago Dei
    “In the image of God”. The belief that humans are uniquely a reflection if God
  • Inspiration
    “God breathed”. God’s spirit guides someone to write and act what is good and true
  • Omnipotence
    The belief that God is all powerful
  • Revelation
    The ways that God reveals himself to humans and he does this finally and fully in Jesus Christ
  • Stewardship
    The duty to care for creation responsibly for future generations
  • Transcendence
    God exists outside of time and space.
  • Conscience
    The knowledge of what is right and wrong and the God-given compulsion within all human beings to do what is right and avoid evil
  • Evil
    The absence if good and to seek our own desires at the expense of the good of others which often leads to suffering
  • Free-will
    A will is free when a person knows what is right and wrong without being controlled by an external force
  • Goodness
    The quality of being like God:seeking good in others selflessly
  • Incarnation
    “Made flesh”. The belief that God became man in Jesus, fully human and fully divine
  • Natural Law
    The belief in natural law is the belief that moral law is discoverable by everyone and is the same in all places at all times
  • Privation
    The absence or loss of something that is usually there. Evil is a privation of good
  • Suffering
    Pain or loss which harms humans which can be caused by moral evil or natural evil
  • Death
    The end of physical life where the body ceases to function
  • Eternal life 

    Life in heaven after death also what Jesus describes a state of living as God intended
  • Heaven
    Those who have accepted God’s grace will have eternal life with God. The face to face encounter is called ’heaven’
  • Hell
    Those who have chosen to reject God through free will. The eternal lack of God’s presence is called ‘hell’
  • Judgement
    The decision of whether we accept God or not will decide whether we get sent to heaven or hell
  • Magisterium
    The teaching authority of the church exercised by bishops in union with the Pope.The Holy Spirit has given them grace to interpret scriptures and traditions
  • Resurrection
    The raising of the body back to life after death. Christians believe that Jesus resurrected and everyone will resurrect at the end of time
  • Soul
    The eternal part of the body that lives on after death.
  • Absolutism
    The belief that laws exist eternally and are not just human inventions
  • Eucharist
    ‘Thanksgiving’. Catholics use this to describe the rite that the bread and wine turn into the boy and blood of Jesus
  • Evangelisation
    Spreading the good news. The sharing of the Gospel and life of Jesus with others
  • Forgiveness
    The act if pardoning someone for the offences they have caused you
  • Punishment
    The consequences of a wrong decision and a penalty imposed by someone if higher authority.
  • Relativism
    The belief that what is right and wrong are human inventions and change from place to place
  • Salvation
    The belief that through Jesus‘ death and resurrection, humanity has a possibility of an eternal life with God
  • Sin
    Acting against the law or will of God
  • Synagogue
    The house of assembly for Jewish public prayer, study and assembly
  • Shekhinah
    The place where God’s presence rests and can be felt
  • Shabbat
    A day of rest and spiritual renewal which begins on Friday night to Saturday evening
  • Torah
    The first five books of Moses which is regarded as the mist holiest book of the Tenakh