Observe respiratory rate, effort and symmetry
2. Ask about shortness of breath, pain, anxiety, and other discomforts
3. Auscultate lung sounds
4. Confirm dressing is intact, observe for drainage, reinforce dressing if needed (do not change dressing unless ordered)
5. Palpate around insertion site for crepitus
6. Keep occlusive dressing and padded clamp at bedside
7. Check tubing for kinks, breaks or disconnections
8. Ensure no dependent loops of tubing, coil excess
9. Verify drainage system is below patient chest
10. Check drainage system for cracks or leaks
11. Check water seal chamber for correct water level and for tidaling
12. Check suction control chamber for gentle bubbling, add water if needed
13. Check and mark drainage amount every 8 hours, report any increase in bloody drainage