A sectional crisis during the presidency of Andrew Jackson created by the Ordinance of Nullification, an attempt by the state of South Carolina to nullify a federal law - the tariff of 1828 - passed by the United States Congress.
American System ( 1 )
Economic program advanced by Henry Clay that included support for a national bank, high tariffs, and internal improvements; emphasized strong role for federal government in the economy.
Wilmot Proviso (1846) ( 1 )
1846 proposal that outlawed slavery in any territory gained from the War with Mexico
Gadsden Purchase (1853) ( 1 )
Acquired additional land from Mexico for $10 million to facilitate the construction of a southern transcontinental railroad.
Freeport Doctrine (1858) ( 1 )
Doctoring states that settlers in US could circumvent the Dred Scott Decision, meaning nor states or territories could making slavery illegal.
Ostend Manifesto (1854) ( 1 )
Secret negotiation attempting to acquire Cuba as a slave state from Spain
Crittenden Compromise (1860)
Failed attempt to prevent Civil War by Senator Crittenden - offered a Constitutional amendment recognizing slavery in the territories south of the 36º30' line, noninterference by Congress with existing slavery, and compensation to the owners of fugitive slaves
Boston Slave Riot 1854 ( 1 )
an unsuccessful attempt by African American abolitionists to rescue fugitive slave Anthony Burns to stop him from being returned to Virginia.
Fort Sumter, 1861 ( 2 )
Confeds attacked fort and started the civil war.
Trent Affair (1861) ( 2 )
Union warship stopped Brit Ship and arrested 2 Confeds. Brit's got angry and prepared war.
Income Tax ( 2 )
Allowed Fed Gov to tax people's earning to pay for Civil War.
Aliens Enemies Act ( 1861 ) ( 2 )
Required southerners to pledge a confed or leave / face arrest to being loyal to Union.
Impressment Act of 1863 ( 2 )
Seizure of produce and slaves for military purposes, farmers got unfair prices!
"Copperheads" / Peace Democrats ( 2 )
Democrats split, wanted to " restore peace ". ( ok buddy )
Morrill Tariff Act (1861) ( 2 )
Increase import tariffs to protect northern manufactures
Battle of Antietam (1862) ( 2 )
Battle in Maryland, North won. Bloody battle.
Battle of Vicksburg (1863) ( 2 )
Use of the Anaconda Plan. Total War, Mississippi Split.
Wade-Davis Bill (1864) ( 2 )
Required 50% of southern state voters to take oath of allegiance.
Lincoln's 10% Plan ( 2 )
Southerners into the Union IF, exclude HR Confeds officers / leaders, take an oath to Union, when 10% of register vote THEN state gov can be formed.
Military Reconstruction Act of 1867 ( 2 )
Divided South into 5 districts, placed them under military rule. Required South to ratify 14th amendment : right to vote.
Freedman's Bureau ( 1865 ) ( 2 )
Welfare agency that helped freed slaves. Assisted with food, shelter, yk.
Carpetbaggers ( 2 )
Northerners went to south for money! ✋
Redeemers ( 2 )
Bitter about reconstruction. Womp womp.
Compromise of 1877 ( 2 )
1. Hayes take office IF end of reconstruction and removal of Union troops.
Horizontal + Vertical Integration ( 3 )
Horz - Many firms of same business ( Rockefeller )
Vert - Consolidating the steps ( Carginie )
Knights of Labor ( 3 )
Labor union that sought to organize all workers and social reforms.
Great Strikes of ALL strikes.( 3 )
GS of 1877 - Railroad strike, all cities.
PS of 1894 - Railway workers riot in Chicago
HS of 1892 - Cargenie's riot
HayS of 1886 - Also Chicago
Gentleman's Agreement ( 3 )
Pact between U.S / Japan to end segregation of Asian kids in SF for less Japan immigration
Muckrakers ( 3 )
Investigator's who pointed abuse of big business and corruption in politics.
WCTU (Women's Christian Temperance Union) ( 3 )
Dedicated to banning alcohol. Lol.
Lincoln's " The Shame of Cities " Book ( 3 )
Exposed corruption of government, lead to many reforms.
Initiative ( 3 )
Bill put directly on ballot
Refrendrum ( 3 )
Gives voters a chance to approve or nah to propose legislation or amendment.
All Amendments ( 1,2,3,4 )
13th - No Slavery
14th - U.S born guaranteed protection of law
15th - No vote prevention
16th - Collect Taxes on incomes
17th - Senators elected directly by voters
18th - attempt to ban alcohol
19th - prohibits US citizen denied voting from sex
Sherman's Antitrust ( 3 )
Ban formation of trusts / monopolies ( other than the " good " ones )
Clayton Antitrust Act (1914) ( 3 )
ALSO did the same thing as Sherman but made boycotts legal.
The Jungle ( 3 )
Book about unsanitary nature of meat-packaging.
Square Deal ( 3 )
1. Conservation of Naturals
2. Control Corps
3. Consumer protection
Elkins Act (1903) + Hepburn( 3 )
Provide regulation of interstate railroads. Won't allowed railroads to offer different rates. Hepburn's is stricter.