Cards (105)

  • Principle of Economics and Management as Applied to Aviation industry; Law, Rules, and Regulations Governing the Practice of Aeronautical Engineering to Include PD1570, Rules and Regulations with Code of Professional Ethics of the Board of Aeronautical Engineering and others
  • Targeted Users

    Foreign Operator Managements, Foreign Operator Personnel
  • Targeted Users

    AOC Management, Flight Crew Members, AOC Employees, Shippers
  • Purpose
    This Part is intended to be the regulation for persons involved in the shipment of dangerous goods and their carriage by air, prescribing the requirements for Determination of dangerous goods, Packaging and marking of dangerous goods, Determination of acceptability of dangerous goods, Proper handling and storage of dangerous good, Documentation and notifications, Training and qualification of personnel
  • This Part addresses the Annex 6 and 18 SARPS pertaining to the safe transport of dangerous goods by air
  • Part 1 sets forth

    the basic rules of construction and application of the regulations, definitions, and the rules governing the administration of licenses and certifications
  • Certified persons engaging in any operation without the appropriate certificate, license, operations specification, or similar document are addressed by this regulation
  • Minimum standards for all aircraft operated in RP are governed by the regulation
  • Applicability
    • RP registered aircraft
    • Aircraft from CS operated by a licensed Filipino; must be maintained wherever it is registered
    • Aircraft from CS operating in RP
    mandatory requirement
  • :
    no person is required, authorized, or permitted to do an act described in a regulation
  • MAY
    discretion can be used when performing an act described in a regulation
  • WILL
    an action incumbent upon the Authority
    approved by or on behalf of the Civil Aviation Authority
    the Authority has reviewed the method, procedure, or policy and has neither objected to nor approved its proposed use or implementation
    the Authority has issued written policy or methodology which imposes either a mandatory requirement
    a recommended practice
    R.A. 9497; Civil Aviation Authority Act of 2008
  • The Amendment Cycle- TWICE every year, January & July, commencing in January 2009
  • RR-Committee: ensure that the copy of CAR on the website is updated accordingly
  • FSIS: disseminate the amended CAR to concerned people in a timely manner
  • Technical Library: maintain a fully updated CAR
  • A typical CAR-amendment elements
    • Letter of Transmittal: recipients/CAR copyholders; purpose and location of amendment
    • Instructions number(s) and their effective date(s)
    • Replacement Pages of CAR: gives effect to the Annex-amendment; back-to-back printing but of individual content and date of effectivity
    • Updated Table of Contents: The effective dates of changed pages shall be incorporated
  • Updating a Controlled Document: adherence to prescribed procedure while transmitting and incorporating CAR-amendment.
  • Display and Inspection of Licenses and Certificate

    • Pilot license
    • Flight Instructor license
    • Other airman license
    • Medical Certificate
    • ATO Certificate
    • AMO Certificate
    • Certificate of Registration: carry this certificate on the aircraft, must be available for inspection
    • Certificate of Airworthiness: display this certificate in the cabin of the aircraft or at the entrance to the aircraft flight deck
  • Changing of name found in a license/cert is ALLOWED as long as the holder provides the current license/cert and a copy of the marriage license, court order, or other document verifying the name change
  • Within 30 DAYS, the holder of license/cert should have notified the Authority
  • Applicant can request a replacement for their lost/destroyed license, med cert, or knowledge test report
  • Any person who committed falsification, reproduction, or alteration concerning any document may have his/her license, rating, certificate, qualification, or authorization REVOKED or SUSPENDED
  • Administrative Action

    • Warning Notice: recite available facts and information about the incident or condition and indicate that it may have been a violation
    • Letter of Correction: confirms the Authority's decision in the matter and states the necessary corrective action the alleged violator has taken or agreed to take.
  • Any license/cert ceases to be effective if it is surrendered, suspended, or revoked
  • The holder of license/cert that has been suspended/revoked shall return that license to the Authority when requested to do so by the Authority
  • If lack of qualification exists and safety in air transport and the public interest will be compromised, the Authority may issue an order to amend, modify, suspend, or revoke the license or certificate of any civil aircraft, engine, propeller, appliance, air operator, AMO or airman, in whole or in part
  • Authority shall provide the person with an opportunity to be heard as to why such certificate or license should not be amended, modified, suspended, or revoked
  • NO application for any license, certificate, rating, or authorization for 1 YE after the date of revocation
  • A person whose license has been suspended MAY NOT apply for any license, rating, or authorization during the period of suspension
  • Re-examination/ Re-inspection of Lic/Cert for Lack of Qualification
    If lack of qualification exists and safety in air transport and the public interest will be compromised, the Authority may issue an order to amend, modify, suspend, or revoke the license or certificate of any civil aircraft, engine, propeller, appliance, air operator, AMO or airman, in whole or in part
  • Notice and Opportunity to be Heard
    Authority shall provide the person with an opportunity to be heard as to why such certificate or license should not be amended, modified, suspended, or revoked