
Cards (71)

  • haunted by guilt
  • relieve the tedium
  • exploded with rage
  • vent your frustration
  • allaying your fears
  • conceal my disgust
  • to bite something repeatedly with your teeth
    chew on something
  • blurt out a problem / secret
  • bottle up a problem / emotions
  • choke back tears / emotions
  • fend off criticism / blows / accusations
  • keep up appearances
  • shoot down arguments
  • sweep aside arguments / accusations / criticism
  • tease out problems / secrets
  • tone down rage / emotions
  • whip up rage / emotion
  • customer focus
  • brief sleep, usually during daytime
    quick catnap
  • the quickest but most competitive route to success
    fast lane
  • the quickest line
    fast track
  • a quick move of the head in acknowledgment
    brisk nod
  • a payment made to an employee when they leave their job as a reward for very long or good service

    a golden handshake
  • subir de rangos
    progress up the rungs
  • describe a situation in which people will do anything to be successful, even if what they do harms other people
  • a slight sign of something
    the slightest whiff of
  • on a subject, people do not yet know the answer or have not yet decided if it is good or bad
    the jury’s still out
  • a great improvement or important development in something
    a quantum leap
  • a situation in which a company is losing a lot of money
    red ink
  • company or investment that can be trusted and is not likely to fail
  • an extra payment that is given to someone for accepting a new job
    golden hello
  • the first signs of an improvement in an economy that is performing badly
    green shoots
  • large electrical goods for the house, such as cookers and washing machines
    white goods
  • a person or thing that helps someone who is in a difficult situation
    white knight
  • almost that amount
    with nigh on double something
  • spending/shopping spree
  • bad news and unhappiness
    doom and gloom
  • the right or authority to do anything you consider necessary
    free hand
  • to not be charged with a crime
    walk free
  • without receiving the deserved or expected punishment or without being harmed