What would be the correct order that ALL sympathetic preganglionic fibers follow at first?
ventral root, ventral ramus of spinal nerve, white ramus communicans, sympathetic trunk ganglion
ACh is secreted by cholinergic fibers
Norepinephrine is secreted by adrenergic fibers
Why do sympathetic effects last longer than parasympathetic effects?
because in parasympathetic ACh is secreted by both preganglionic and postganglionic, and in parasympathetic the enzyme AChe is present which breaks down ACh
The autonomic nervous system does not innervate skeletalmuscle
the autonomic nervous system does innervate cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, blood vessels, and salivary glands
Muscarinic receptors bind acetylcholine
Vagus nerve carries parasympathetic fibers
Epinephrine is secreted by the adrenal medulla
the hypothalamus is the most significant autonomic control center within the CNS
The grayramus communicans contains sympathetic postganglionic fibers
Throughout the autonomic nervous system, the neurotransmitter released by the preganglionic fiber bind to nicotinicreceptors on the postganglionic neuron
the higher the frequency of sound, the higher the pitch
cochlear hair cells rest on the basilar membrane
the acceleration you feel when an elevator begins to rise is sensed by macula in vestibuli
the stapes is a tiny bone that vibrates to the oval window and thereby transfers sound vibrations to the inner ear
A self-amplifying chain of physiological events is called
positive feedback
Christaampullares in semicircular canals are responsible for angular acceleration
Maculae in vestibule are responsible for linearacceleration and staticequilibrium
width of thick filament is determined by A band
myastheniagravis is when ATP is depleted from the muscle fiber
muscle fatigue results when ion imbalances interfere w/ excitation-contraction coupling
during post-exerciseoxygenconsumption, glycogen stores are increased
synapticvesicles are not located within the sarcolemma
Dizziness comes from endolymph moving
awareness of our orientation/movement because of vestibular cortex
equilibrium information is also sent to cerebellum which means that it is involved in our motorplan
uppermotorneurons begin in the brain and extend down into spinal cord