
Cards (85)

  • Aristotlianism - sees technology essentially as a tool for achieving goals. According to Aristotle, technology is the arrangement of methods to satisfy the needs that people have.
  • Technological Pessimism - this view is extremely supported by French philosopher Jacques Ellul.
    It is said that technology is a way of life.
  • Ellul’s pessimistic Arguments are:
    a.Technological progress has a price
    b. Technological progress creates more problem
    c. Technological progress creates damaging effect
    d. Technological progress creates devastating effects
  • Technological Optimism - a viewpoint that is highly endorsed by engineers, technologists, and regular people who think that technology can solve all issues and make life easier in general. It contends that despite potential technological issues, technology will nevertheless provide a fix.
  • existentialism - The presence or manner of being someone or something that is subject to the authenticity norm is the main focus of this point of view. This viewpoint basically investigates what it means to be alive and to always be in a state of decision-making.
  • Martin Heidegger - Heidegger, a prominent supporter of technology philosophy, focused on enframing as the essence of technology. He distinguished between instrumental and anthropological definitions of technology as means to an end and human activity.
  • Aristotle - an ancient Greek philosopher born in 304 BC, significantly contributed to various fields, including science, technology, political theory, and aesthetics.
  • Aristotle's four causes
    • CausaMaterialis or MATERIAL CAUSE
    • CausaFormalis or FORMAL CAUSE
    • CausaEfficiens or EFFICIENT CAUSE
    • CausaFinalis or FINAL CAUSE
  • Aristotle 's four cause's
    Material cause: Wood
    Final cause : Dining
    Formal Cause: Design
    Efficient Cause: Carpentry
  • Characteristics of Humans that Evolved Over Time:
    1. Walking upright
    2. use of different tools
    3. Domestication of animals
    4. Change in human body
    5. Complexity of brain
  • Characteristics of Humans that Evolved Over Time:
    • Flourishing - a state where people experience positive emotions, positive psychological functioning and positive social functioning, most of the time living within an optimal range of human functioning.
    • Human Flourishing - an effort to achieve self- actualization and fulfillment within the context of a larger community of individuals, each with the right to pursue his or her own such effort.
    • Eudaimonia - there is an end to all the actions that we perform which we desire for ourselves.
  • Well being Theory:
    1. Positive emotion
    2. Engagement
    3. Relationship
    4. Meaning
    5. Accomplishment
  • Aristotle states that the good life consists in the possession over the course of a lifetime. According to Aristotle the real goods that we should all seek to obtain in order to live well are the following:
    Good life:
    • Bodily good
    • External good
    • Good of the soul
  • Elements of good life
    • Experiencing pleasure
    • Seeking self-development
    • Avoiding negative experience
    • Making contribution to others
  • The “good life” or “living well” can be understood by the following ways:
    1. The moral life
    2. the pleasure-driven life
    • Epicurus - Ancient Greek philosopher, one of the first to declare that what makes life worth living is that we can experience pleasure.
    • HEDONISM - The word 'hedonism' comes from the ancient Greek for 'pleasure'. Psychological or motivational hedonism claims that only pleasure or pain motivates us.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology:
    Advantage - Technology enhances efficiency, facilitates communication, and improves access to information. It has transformed industries, leading to economic growth and innovations in healthcare, education, and entertainment.
    Disadvantage - Challenges include job displacement due to automation, privacy concerns, and environmental impacts. Overreliance on technology can also lead to social isolation and the digital divide.
  • Emerging Technological Ethical Dilemmas:
    • privacy
    • Ai bias
    • Genetic Editing
    • Autonomous Systems
  • technology - Science or knowledge put into practical use to solve problems or invent useful tools.
  • 1st proto-technology - Focuses on the time when early tools developed before civilization
  • 2nd classical technology - the rise of agricultural technologies and establishment of communities
  • 3rd modern - technology - the fueled by science concepts and principles which date back about 500 years ago
  • 4th post modern technology - replaces naturally occurring products with technologically developed ones. some of the major post modern technologies include gasoline, synthetic fertilizers, plastics, pvs, and many others
  • Technology- driven extinction and displacement
    • Human beings will have the tendency to become extinct either gradually or suddenly. Two scenarios exists for the gradual extinction of humans.
  • technology-driven extinction and displacement
    1. The usual course of life as individual age and replaced by other species more adapted to the changing world.
    2. The disappearance of ecological niche due to abrupt changes man has inflicted to the ecosystem
  • Technology- driven extinction and displacement
    1. ozone layer
    2. Fossil fuel
    3. nuclear war
    4. Plastics
    5. Petroleum
    6. Global Warming
  • INFORMATION AGE - The Information age started around1970’s and up to now. This is alsoknown as Computer Age, Digital Age orNew media Age. In this era, peoplecould access information andknowledge easily.
    knowledge communicated or obtained concerning specific fact or circumstances.
    A period starting in the last quarter of the 20th century. Typically described by the change from the traditional industry to an economy based information computerization.
  • RENAISSANCE - Invention and changed literature
  • SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION - Scientists which paved theway for modern tools andinvention
    Had profound effect on the social, economic , and cultural condition of the world.
  • Johannes Gutenberg - a German publisher who introduced “movable type printing” in Europe. He established the Gutenberg era which is responsible for shaping the nature of society.
    The information was being spread using print out material, books were written and produced by hand. They were made in the surfaces of clay, wax and papyrus. Information was only relayed to other through a word-of-mouth channels.(Stacey,2008)j
    Began with the introduction of printing. Gutenberg principle existed in such away that could be passed to individual but the access was very expensive. Most of the book that were first printed were that of religious texts of medieval period.
    This period can be described as the emergence of the internet and the worldwide web. All forms of media instruments enabled the people to publish or spread the information. Such as video, audio and images.
  • COMPUTERS - Charles Babbage, an English mechanical engineer who discovered the computer which were designed for mathematical calculations.
  • INTERNET - Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn created the internet. The internet was mostly used by scientists to communicate with other scientists.
  • WORLD WIDE WEB - Sir Tim Berners-Lee a British computer scientist, started in the 1990’s basically for commercial purposes. Today, with the use of the internet , one can access the following in the social media.
  • ELECTRONIC MAIL OR E-MAIL - V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, an Indian born American Scientist claimed the discovery of E-mail. He started building the system in 1978 when he was 14 years old. Communication was made faster and easier through E-mail.