
Cards (39)

  • 1803
    -Marbury v Madison, a court case to strike down laws
    -Louisiana Purchase, Americans bought territory from the French for 15 million
  • 1804
    -Lewis and Clark, an expedition to explore the newly gained territory form the Louisiana Purchase
  • 1807
    -Embargo Act of 1807, closed ports to all exports and British imports due to the war between Britain and French
  • 1809
    -Non intercourse act, allowed the ports to reopen and trade continued between France and Britain
  • 1815
    -Battle of New Orleans, the battle between British general and American General Andrew Jackson
  • 1812
    -War of 1812, a war between Britain and America, ended with the Treaty of Ghent
  • 1817
    -The American System was created by Henry Clay, it included tariffs, roads, national banks, and new ways of transportation
  • 1816-1824
    -Era of Good Feelings, an era where political peace exsisted, most americans were Republicans at this time
  • 1819
    -Mcculloch v Maryland, court case where tax was imposed on banks but The Second Bank refused
    -Panic of 1819, Americans were in a panic after being in debt due to wars
    -Adams-Onis Treaty, Spain gave Florida to the U.S
  • 1820
    -Missouri Compromise, made Missouri a slave state and Maine a non-slave state
  • 1823
    -Monroe Doctrine, a policy to warn Europeans not to colonize North America any further
  • 1828
    -Andrew Jackson forms the Democratic Party
  • 1829
    -Andrew Jackson becomes the 7th President
    -Start of the Era of Common Man, the common man had more rights due to Jackson being from humble origins
  • 1830
    -The Indian Removal Act, moved Indians more west so that Americans could claim more land
    -Caused the Trail of Tears, where native tribes walked over 5,000 miles to relocate
  • 1831
    -Nat Turner's Rebellion, a slave revolt held by Nat Turner where rebels killed 50 white men in Virginia
  • 1833
    -The Whig Party was created, a political party in opposition to the Democratic Party
  • 1830-1850
    -Manifest Destiny, the idea that americans were destined to expand land west and claim the entire North America
  • 1837
    -Panic of 1837 due to financial debt of the country
  • 1841
    -William Henry Harrison becomes the 9th President, but dies after 31 days in office
    -John Tyler becomes the 10th President
  • 1790-1840
    -Second Great Awakening, a religious revival that spread religious free will
  • 1845
    -Texas is annexed and becomes part of the United States
  • 1846-1848
    -Mexican-American war, a war between Mexico and America to claim Texas
    -Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, marked the end of the Mexican-American war
    -Mexico gives up California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico (CANCUN)
  • 1850
    -Millard Filmore becomes the 13th President
    -Compromise of 1850, series of bills used to defuse rising tensions between free and slave states
    -Fugitive Slave Law, a runaway slave must be returned to its master, even when in a free state
  • 1848
    -Seneca Falls Convention, first women's rights convention, used to advocate rights for women
  • 1852
    -Uncle Tom's Cabin, a book about slavery, gained empathy for slavery
    -Franklin Pierce becomes the 14th President
  • 1854
    -Kansas Nebraska Act, two new states were added, the Missouri Compromise was repealed, the Whig Party ended
    -Led to Bleeding Kansas, a short war to decide if Kansas should be a slave state or free state
  • 1857
    -Dred Scott v Sandford, a court case where black men were not citizens, therefore they did not have the rights that white men did
    -James Buchanan becomes 15th President
  • 1858
    -Lincoln and Douglas Debates, a series of debates between ,Abrahambraham Lincoln, a Republican and Stephen Douglas, a Democrat
    -Freeport Doctrine, states that a state could be free or slave based on popular vote
  • 1861
    -Abraham Lincoln becomes the 16th President
    -Civil war began, a war between the Union and Confederacy to determine if slavery was moral or not and ends in 1865
  • 1863
    -The Emancipation Proclamation was created in which all slaves were declared free
    -Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address, in which he declared that the Civil War was a fight for freedom and equality
  • 1865
    -Civil War ends and the Union wins
    -Freedmen's Bureau was created to help the newly freed slaves
  • 1863-1877
    -Reconstruction Era, an era where Americans had to figure out how to incorporate the newly freed slaves into society
    -America followed Johnson's Reconstruction Plan, and loyalty is sworn to the union and the Constitution could then be rewritten
  • 1867
    -America bought Alaska for 7 million dollars
    -Military Reconstruction Plan, the South was divided into 5 military districts
  • 1876
    -Battle of Little Big Horn, a battle between the victor native tribes Sioux and Cheyenne against Americans
  • 1887
    -Interstate Commerce Act, addressed the problem of railroad monoplies
  • 1890
    -Wounded Knee Massacre, a mass shooting of Lakota Natives by American troops in South Dakota
    -The Sherman Anti-Trust Act, prohibits restrictions on commerce and competition in the marketplace or foreign trade
  • 1894
    -Pullman Strike, railroad workers wanted higher wages and better conditions and quit their jobs when their requests were refused
    -Wilson Gorman Tariff, cut off tariffs on imports of coal, iron, lumber, and wool
  • 1896
    -Cross of Gold, a speech given by Jennings Bryan saying that gold was too expensive to produce for currency and that silver would be more affordable
    -Plessy v Ferguson, a court case that allowed equal but separate facilities for white and colored race
  • 1898
    -Spanish American war, America drives out Spain from having control over the Philippines
    -Treaty of Paris 1898, America wins the Spanish war and gains control of Puerto Rico and Philippines