Cells with linear chromosomal DNA packed into a membrane-enclosed nucleus, also contain membrane enclosed organelles (mitochondria and/or plastids)
Cells have no nucleus and no membrane-enclosed organelles; DNA contained in a circular chromosome and plasmids
Euglenozoans, Forams, Diatoms, Ciliates, Red algae, Green algae, Plants, Tubulinids, Fungi, Animals are all part of the Domain Eukarya
Euryarcheotes, Thaumarchaeotes, Crenarcheotes, Proteobacteria, Chlamydias, Spirochetes, Gram-positive bacteria, Cyanobacteria are all part of the Domain Archaea and Domain Bacteria
Eukaryotes are nested within Archaea in the tree of life
How do prokaryotes obtain energy?
Autotrophs - generate their own food from inorganic molecules
Heterotrophs - consume food produced by other organisms
Chemotrophs - energy comes directly from chemical reactions
Phototrophs - energy comes from light
Not all photoautotrophs do oxygenic photosynthesis
Aerobic vs. Anaerobic metabolism
Can the organism live in the presence of oxygen or not, respectively
Binary fission
After doubling in size, single cell splits into two cells
DNA in prokaryotes is generally organized into a single circular chromosome plus many smaller circular plasmids
Generally extremophiles with anaerobic metabolisms, found in harsh anoxic environments, some are chemoautotrophs that thrive around volcanic vents
Highly diverse group that contains species that live by virtually every mode of nutrition and metabolism possible, some are parasites and pathogens, many play critical ecological roles as decomposers and symbionts
Earth lacked life as we know it for the first billion years, until ~3.8 bya there were periods of heavy bombardment, atmosphere was rich in N2, NH4, and CO2 but lacked O2
First evidence of prokaryotic life in fossil record ~3.5 bya, stromatolites were likely photoautotrophs but without oxygenic photosynthesis
Cyanobacteria are photoautotrophs that capture light energy through oxygenic photosynthesis, at first O2 oxidized abundant iron in the oceans, then the "Oxygen Revolution" occurred, increasing O2 in the atmosphere and forming ozone layer