Lecture 2 Notes BILD 3

Cards (10)

  • Evolution
    A pattern and a process
  • Evolution as a pattern

    1. Descent with modification
    2. Divergence
  • Evolution as a process involves random processes such as mutation and genetic drift, and natural selection
  • Natural selection relies on variation, where some traits are more helpful (fit) than others
  • Not all individuals have an equal chance of surviving and reproducing
  • Traits that affect survival

    • Speed
    • Colour
    • Size
    • Immune system
  • Natural selection

    Occurs when a particular version of a trait makes the individuals who have it more likely to survive or reproduce
  • Natural selection happens whenever there is variation in a trait that affects survival and/or reproduction
  • Histograms
    • Smooth curve
    • Variation in number of visits to natural area
    • No variation in number of rabbits
  • Natural selection reduces the number of individuals with less fit traits