Elimination of opponents- Rivals on the right were Trotsky, Kamanev and Zinoviev.
Rivals on the left were Bukharin, Rykov and Tomsky
Terror- Secret police carried out surveillance, arrests and used labour camps known as Gulags.
Cheka became the NKVD in 1934
murder of Kirov 1934, was assassinated by Nikolayev and his murder was a catalyst for the purging of large sections of the communist party.
Show trials- trials of 16 1936=Kamenev and Zinoviev confessed to crimes they didnt commit. show trials were played through radio and film to the public population and used as a warning for opponents.
1936 yezhov replaced yagoda he was known as the bloody dwarf.
A quota system was introduced to meet targets. This often meant that officials killed themselves in order to meet targets.
cronies of Stalin had replaced other members of the communist party
Soviet constitution 1936- seemed highly democratic as every citizen was given the right to vote but it was not democratic as it came with a list of restrictions.
High Stalinism 1945-53: his cult of personality gave him an illusion of power
1951: Mingrelian affair occurred which was essentially a purging of Beria's allies who were seen as Stalin's opposition.
Doctors plot: antisemetic campaign and a campaign of terror against soviet jews.