amazon rainforest

Cards (18)

  • largest tropical rainforest
  • how many plant species
    1 million
  • why is amazon so wet
    evaporation over atlantic ocean, wet air blown to amazon - contributes to high rainfall
  • why so much precipitation
    warm temps = evaporation
  • interception
    dense canopy = high interception, less water than expected flows into rivers - and slower
  • water cycle affect on species
    adapted to high humidity and frequent rainfall
  • carbon sink - carbon stored in vegetation and soil
  • amount of biomass is increasing
    more co2 = increased productivity (more photosyntheis)
  • carbon sequestration
    more biomass = more carbon stored
  • carbon increase effect on trees
    grow quick, die young (can't rely on sink in future)
  • human activities impacting cycles
    deforestation, climate change, farming
  • deforestation impact on water cycle - interception
    no tree canopy for interception, more water to ground, saturated soil, increased surface runoff = increased flood risk.
  • deforestation impact on water cycle - evapotranspiration
    reduced evapotranspiration, so less water vapour in atmosphere, fewer clouds form, rainfall reduced = drought risk
  • deforestation effect on carbon cycle - no roots
    no roots to hold soil together, heavy rain washes away nutrient rich top layer = carbon stored in soil transferred to hydrosphere
  • deforestation effect on carbon cycle - absorption
    less leaf litter, so no humus formed, soil can't support much new growth = limited carbon absorbed
  • deforestation effect on carbon cycle - clim change
    trees remove co2, no trees = more atmospheric co2 = enhances greenhouse effect
  • effect of climate change - drought
    temps increasing and rainfall decreasing = drought = species extinction + forest fires
  • amazon droughts when