Social injustice - a relative concept about the claimed unfairness of a society in its divisions
Stolid - Showing little or no emotions
Portents - a sign or warning that something usually bad or unpleasant is going to happen
Profaned - to treat a holy place or object with great disrespect
Infamies - the condition of being known for having done bad things or being evil; terrible act
Perfidious - not able to be Trusted; Showing that someone cannot be trusted
Immedicable - unable to be healed or treated
Charles Edward Anson Markham - also known as Edwin Markham, An American poet, professor, principal, lecturer, and an author
Amanwithahoe - A poem written about the extreme inequality in the US
Coherence - a piece of writing is ______ if it is clearly organized and has logical sequence of ideas
Cohesion - a paragraph or section of a text is ______ if the sentence areare well structured, well linked together and there is no unnecessary repetition
Advocacy - the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal
Rights - concerned with law and social structures
Participation - concerned with move toto inclusion, citizenship and involvement in recovery
Power - concerned wwith shifting power to families, individuals and distributing valued resources more equiyably
Campaign - several related operations aimed at achieving a particular goal (within geographical constraints)
PatriciaMaclachlan - she is an American children's writer
Tone - tells us how the author thinks about his or her subject
Mood - it is the feeling the reader gets from a story
Technique - is the way an author uses their writing to create a desired response from a reader
Fact - is a true statement
Opinion - a statement that tells what someone thinks
Fleeting - not lasting
Stout - brave and strong
Bivouac - temporary camp or shelter
Strife - fight or struggle
Forlorn - sad and lonely
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - an America poet and educator