Working classparents place less value on the education success of their children
As a result of working class parents placing less value on education it leads to a lack of motivation from their children and lower achievement
Feinstein argues middle class parents tend to be better educated and were able to provide children with parenting styles and educational behaviours that benefits the children's school preformance
Differences in working class and middle class parents include
Parenting Style
Educational Behaviour
Use of Income
Parenting style for working class parents is more harsh and inconsistent discipline while middle class parents is consistent discipline with high expectations and encourage active learning
Educational behaviour for working class parents includes a lack of awareness/ability to support education
Educational behaviour for middle class parents included activities that support learning and are aware of what causes educational success
Use of income for working class parents is in favour to spend elsewhere from educational tools
Use of income from middle class parents focus on educational equipment as they have higher incomes
Blackstone and Mortimore say working class parents don't attend parents evenings because of their long irregular shifts rather than due to a lack of interest