Working-class subculture

Cards (11)

  • Working class people have different goals, beliefs and values compared to wider society
  • Sugarman identified 4 key features of working class subculture that act as a barrier to educational success;
    • Fatalism
    • Collectivism
    • Immediate gratification
    • Present-time orientation
  • Fatalism is a belief in fate that whatever will be, will be and you can do nothing to change your status
  • Collectivism is the value of being part of a group more than succeeding as an individual
  • Immediate gratification means seeking pleasure now rather than making sacrifices in order to get rewarded further down the line
  • Middle class people focus on deferred gratification as making sacrifices now for greater reward later
  • Present-time orientation means seeing the present as more important than future
  • Middle class culture has future time orientation as they see planning for the future important
  • Educational Maintenance Allowance was a way of tackling immediate gratification as in England working class students in college got £30 per fortnight
  • Working class children internalise the belief and values of their subculture through primary socialisation
  • Middle class values equip children for success