cells become more specialised and lessflexible during development
label 1
A) 8-cell stage
B) cell polarisation
C) compaction
D) inner, apolar cells cut off
F) Trophectoderm
G) blastocyst
an embryo begins as a small number of naive, totipotent cells.
embryonic stem cells can give rise to all cell types except trophectoderm
a cells fate is progressively limited until it becomes terminallydifferentiated and can only give rise to the same type of cell
embryonic cells are not differentiated
A) nucleus
B) embryonic precurser cell
C) myoD
G) any type
H) differentiated cell
I) muscle specific genes
J) transcribed
differentiated siganls from othercells lead to activation of a masterregulatorygene called myoD. the cell makes a myoD protein, the translator that acts as an activator is called a myoblast
A) myoblast (determined)
D) MyoD protein
E) transscription factor
F) muscle cell
G) transcription factors
H) activated
determination from myoblast, the embryonic cell is irreversiblycommitted to a particularcelltype
Finally the cell is terminally differentiated, playing a functionalrole in the organism
A) part of a muscle fibre
B) fully differentiated
D) MyoD
F) transcription factor
G) myosin
H) muscle proteins
I) blocking proteins
differentiated cells contain all the DNA required to build an entireneworganism
embryonic stem cells are harvested from the inner cell mass of mammalianblastocystembryos
human embryonic stem cells are pluripotent: they can develop into any of the 200 or so types of cell in our bodies, given the rightconditions
the cells are derived from these ESCs are genetically identical to embryo donor
induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are made by reprogramming adult skin cells. they can be made by anyone and are genetically identical to the sourceskincells.
ips are pluripotent, they can generate any cell type
Adult stem cells can divide without limit.
adult stem cells are undifferentiated, multipotent cells
adult stem cells can divide to give rise to bothstemcells and cells, which will go on to differentiate into one or more types of functional tissue cells
umbilical cord cells, stem cells from bloodisolated from umbilicalcord of newbornbabies are kept frozen (banked)
umbilical cord stem cells are multipotent, as they are immaturebloodstemcells, they are less restricted than blood stem cells from adults.
umbilical cord stem calls can be used to treat leukaemias and many other blood diseases
label 2:
A) renewal tissues
B) tissues
C) blood
D) skin
E) constant renewing
F) haematopoietic
G) bone marrow
H) transplants
I) stem cell
J) cell division
K) stem cell
L) progenitor cell
M) fat
N) bone
O) white blood
A fertilised egg is totipotent, able to give rise to all cell types via cell division
embryonic stem cells are pluripotent and can become all/any cells of the body
adult stem cells such as bone marrow cells usually only give rise to one or a few cell types: multipotent
different culture conditions are used to persuadestem cells to develop into different kinds of differentiated cells
integrative gene therapy is based on the idea that it may be possible to alter the geneticcode of an individuals cells. it is proposed as a way of corerctingsinglegene disorders
a normal allele could be inserted into cells of the affected tissue
a virus can deliver material into human cells
label 3:
A) cloned gene
B) insert RNA
C) normal allele
D) retrovirus
E) viral vector
F) viral RNA
G) Viral capsid
H) infect bone marrow cells
I) removed
J) patient
K) bone marrow cell
L) chromosome
regenerative medicine is based on the idea that pluripotentstemcells can be used to repair or replacedamaged organs or tissues
pluripotent stem cells can be made from skin cells or blood cells from a patient or matcheddonors or from embryos
these stem cells can be encouraged to differentiate into specific cell types such as neurons or retinal cells
the differentiated cells can be transplanted into patients