Hop Count, Bandwidth, Delay/Latency, Reliability, Load etc.
Network addresses
A crucial aspect of computer networks that allows devices to communicate with each other within and between networks
To send/receive data, devices must have addresses
Four levels of addresses used in the TCP/IP protocol
Physical Addresses
Logical Addresses
Port Addresses
Application-Specific Addresses
Physical Addresses
Also known as the MAC (Media Access Control) address
Used by the data link layer and is the lowest level of addressing
Unique address of a device assigned by the manufacturer
Are fixed into the hardware and cannot be changed
Logical Addresses
Also known as an IP Address (Internet Protocol Address)
Used for higher-level network communication
Can be changed or reconfigured
Port Addresses
The address of a process
Each application runs with a port number (logically) on the computer
Allow different applications on the same computer to share network resources simultaneously
Application-Specific Addresses
User-friendly addresses that are designed for that specific application
E.g. Email address
IP address
For worldwide unique addressing of devices
IP addresses are only one way of addressing on OSI layer, others e.g. IPX
A routable protocol because its address space is suitable for routing
IP address is not a decimal number!
IPv4 Address
The first version of IP address
Widely used and primary IP version today
Numeric, 32–bit address (2^32 addresses) = more than 4 billion addresses
There are 4 octets, each with 8 bits (01001001)
Forms a 2-tier hierarchical address space: Tier 1: Network number (X) – left bits, Tier 2: Host number (Y) – right bits
IP address is not a decimal number! – but address is represented in demical
IPv6 Address
Most recent version of IP address
Is being deployed to fulfil the need for more Internet addresses
128-bit address (2^128 addresses) = 340 undecillion unique address space
There are 8 quartets, and each group represents 2 Bytes (16-bits)
Designed to supersede IPv4 due to the global exponential growth of internet users
Currently working in tandem with IPv4 in some technologies, and eventually replacing it
IP address assignment
The process of giving an IP address to a device on a network
Ways of assigning an IP address
Dynamic assignment: the IP address is automatically assigned through the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Static assignment: the IP address is manually assigned by an administrator/user
Subnet Mask
A 32-bit mask that separates the IP address into Network Number (left x bits) and Host Number (right y bits)
Every IP address must be supplemented with a subnet mask. Otherwise, one would not know what part of the IP address is a network number, and what part is the host number
Subnet mask
Can be written shorter: is the same as /24 because the binary 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 starts with 24 ones
Can be written in three different ways: Binary notation, Dotted decimal notation, Suffix notation
Types of IP Address
Private IP Address
Public IP Address
Private IP Address
Used to communicate within the same network
More secure than Public IP Addresses
Are not routed through the internet
For transverse over the internet, Network Address Translation (NAT) or Port Address Translation (PAT) is used
Class A: –
Class B: –
Class C: –
Public IP Address
Used to communicate outside the network
A public IP address is basically assigned by the ISP (Internet Service Provider)
Sometimes NAT'ed private IP addresses
IP Address Classes
There are five classes of IP addresses: class A, B, C, D, and E
Each class has a range of valid IP addresses with default subnet mask
The value of the first octet determines the class
IP Address Classes & Ranges
Class A: Binary 0 indicates a class A address, default subnet mask is (or: /8)
Class B: Binary 10 indicates a class B address, default subnet mask is (or: /16)
Class C: Binary 110 indicates a class C address, default subnet mask is (or: /24)
Class D: Binary 1110 indicates a class D address (multicast), default subnet mask is (or: /24)
Class E: All other bit patterns belong to class E and are reserved for experiments
Special IP address ranges /8 – addresses used to communicate with the local network /8 – loopback addresses /16 – link-local addresses (Automatic Private IP Addressing -APIPA)
A feature or characteristic in operating systems (eg. Windows) which enables computers to self-configure an IP address and subnet mask automatically when their DHCP server isn't reachable
The IP address range for APIPA is ( to
Has 65, 534 usable IP addresses, with the subnet mask of
IP Addressing Based on Operational Characteristics
Unicast– one-to-one communication
Multicast– used for one-to-many or many-to-many communication
Broadcast– one-to-all communication
Special IP address ranges /8 – addresses used to communicate with the local network /8 – loopback addresses /16 – link-local addresses (Automatic Private IP Addressing -APIPA)
A feature or characteristic in operating systems (eg. Windows) which enables computers to self-configure an IP address and subnet mask automatically when their DHCP server isn't reachable
The IP address range for APIPA is ( to
Has 65, 534 usable IP addresses, with the subnet mask of
IP Addressing Based on Operational Characteristics
Unicast – one-to-one communication
Multicast – used for one-to-many or many-to-many communication
Broadcast – one-to-all communication
Anycast - one-to-nearest communication
"Power of 2" Sequence
128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 = 255
A binary-to-decimal conversion
This sequence represents the values of individual bits in a byte
These values correspond to the powers of 2 for each position in an 8-bit binary number, each subsequent number doubling the previous one
Network Number (ID)
Network Address, Subnet Address
Every IP address belongs to exactly one IP network
IP networks are denoted with a Network Number (NN)
Network numbers look like IP addresses: /8, /24
Network numbers are IP addresses where all host bits are zero
Can not be used as a destination or source address in any IP network
Routers operate on network numbers
Broadcast Address
A type of communication mechanism that allows the message to be received by all the nodes of a network
Every IP network has one specific broadcast address (BA)
The broadcast address is used if a packet is delivered to all members of the IP network
Broadcast addresses are IP addresses where all host bits are one.,
Can not be used to address particular hosts or devices. They address the entire network, with every host in it
Many protocols use broadcast addresses, but mainly on the local network (delivered by layer 2)
Special broadcast address: for all hosts in the local network
Network Design Principles
Behind every router interface must be one distinct IP network
Behind two different interfaces of the same router there must not be any IP network overlap
Routers operate on network numbers
The process of dividing a single (bigger) network into multiple smaller (sub) networks
The smaller networks created are called subnets
Each subnet has its unique network address known as its Subnet ID or Network Number
Used to solve the problem of addressing assignment inefficiency and depletion in IPv4
Helps in efficiently organizing the network
Divides broadcast domains, which helps improve network performance
Helps to maintain network security
Makes maintenance easier
Example 1
In class B, a network has a subnet mask of
Number of bits reserved for the network portion given the subnet mask is 20 bits
Maximum number of hosts per subnet is 4094
Number of bits reserved for the Host portion is 12 bits
Number of bits borrowed from the host portion is 4 bits
Number of possible subnets is 16
Number of usable hosts per subnet is 4092
Example 2
A host in your network has been assigned an IP address of /25
Subnet to which the host belongs is /25
Subnet mask in decimal is, in binary is 11111111.11111111.11111111.10000000
Number of host bits is 7
Number of hosts per subnet is 128
Number of usable hosts per subnet is 126
First usable IP address is
Last usable IP address is
Network IP address range is -
Broadcast IP in decimal is, in binary is 11000000.10101000.10110101.11111111, MAC address is FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF