how did economic policy change 1953-85?

Cards (7)

  • promotion of light industry, chemicals and consumer goods. Khrushchev wanted to bring more benefits to the lives of soviets by increasing worker satisfaction and slowing down heavy industry.
  • 1957- 105 regional economic councils set up to supervise enterprises. this was an attempt to move decision making to more regional bases. the working week reduced from 48-41hrs by 1960 and managers were allowed to spend 40% of profits in and investment they wished to enterprise
  • Liberman plan 1962 called for greater autonomy of local managers and for the market to replace the state in deciding prices. but this aim at giving mote power to people was watered down by higher prices in the politburo showing their reluctance to lose complete power.
  • 7yr plan 1959-65: government pushed ahead with fuel and chemical industries. this led to the first space satellite being launched in 1957. 1961 Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space. living standards had been raised.
  • annual growth in 1950 was 7.1%. by 1964 economic growth had slowed and spending on consumer goods had been reduced.
  • investment in agriculture and the VLS . in 1955 collectives were given greater control. the mts was abolished and collectives increased in size. the vls 1954 encouraged the opening of new areas to agricultural production but it failed due to dry lands in Siberia and Kazakhstan 1959. this was a significant factor that contributed to k's dismissal in 1964
  • Andropov: attempted to improve labour discipline doing spot checks against alcoholism and absenteeism and slacking. there were poor levels of productivity: over 25% of the workforce used, 26% invested but only produced 1/6th of U.S output. thus there was a lack of a focus on consumer goods.