verticies are adjacent is they are joined by an edge
multiple edges: two or more edges connecting the same verticies
a loop is an edge that joins a vertex to itself
we must count the outside of a graph as a region (or face)
isolated vertex: vertex that is not connected to any other vertex
degree of a vertex is the number of edges going into a vertex (a loop is counted twice)
degree sum = 2 x number of edges
in degree = number of edges coming into that vertex
out degree = number of edges going out of that vertex
when listing vertex or edge sets use {}
set of edges is given by {AB, AC, BC, BD}
adjacency matrix: shows the number of edges joining each of the vertices in a graph
simple graph: no loops or multiple edges
connected graph: every vertex has an edge to at least on other vertex
complete graph: a simple graph in which every vertex is joined to every other vertex by an edge
subgraph: a graph is part of another graph
a bridge: an edge in a connected graph that is removed leaves the graph disconnected
bipartite graph: vertices can be split into two groups and edges join vertices from opposite groups
planar graph: a graph that can be drawn in plane, no edges cross
euler's fromula: V + F - E = 2
walk: a route through a graph along edges
length of a walk = number of edges it uses
trail: a walk where no edges are repeated
path: a walk where no edge or vertex is repeated
closed trail = circuit
closed path = cycle
eulerian trail: a trail in a connected graph that travels each edge exactly once, you can repeat vertices but not edges
eularian circuit: a closed eularian trrail
eularian circuits begin and end at the same vertex
eularian graph: a connected graph is considered to be eularian if it has an eularian circuit (have only even verticies)
in a eularian graph the degree of each vertex will always be even
semi-eularian trail: a eularian trail that starts and ends at different verticies
semi-eularian graph: a connected graph is considered to be semi-eularian is it has a semi-eularian trail (has exactly two vertices that have odd degrees)
hamiltonian path: travel through each vertex exactly once
hamiltonian cycle: closed hamiltonian path
semi-hamiltonian graph: travels through every vertex once but starts and finishes at different verticies