USA's annexation of TexasangeredMexico, which still claimed sovereignty over Texas
Barely concealed desire of Polk's California and New Mexico didn't help US-Mexico tension / relations
Efforts to reach agreement undermined by Mexican situation
Mexican governmentcame and wentrapidly that it was difficult for USA to know with whom to deal with.
In 1845, Polk sent US troops into the disputed border areaNorth of Rio Grande River, hoping to provoke an incident that would result in war which would then lead to US annexation of California and New Mexico
May1846, Mexican troops duly ambushed a party of US troops in the disputed area, killing / wounding16 men
Polk claimed they "shed American blood on American soil" and asked Congress to declare war - they agreed
South and WestsupportedWar but the North saw it as Southern war of aggression.