These are aspects of the study that may be interpreted by participants as revealing the aim of the study and form expectations about how they should behave
Investigator effects
When the researcher influences the behaviour of the participants and therefore the results of the study
Technique to Overcome demand characteristics
Single blind study
This means that the participant doesn’t know which experimental group they are in
Advantage of single blind study
There is less chance participants will respond to demand characteristics because they are less able to guess what the researcher is investigating
Overcoming investigator effects
using a double blind study which is when both the participant and the researcher are blind to the experimental group
Advantage of double blind study
Advantage of double blind study is that the researcher won't be able to form expectations about how the participants will behave so can control investigator effects and demand characteristics
What are participant variables
Extraneous variables that are personal characteristics of the participant which may affect the dependent variable
What are situational variables
Extraneous variables that are features of the external environment that could affect the behaviour of the participants
What types of situational variables are demand characteristics?
Situational variables that act as hints that enable participants to guess the aim of the study
What are uncontrolled extraneous variables
variables that reduce both the validity and reliability of a study
What is standardisation
a way of controlling extraneous variables by the researcher making an extraneous variable the same for all participants, so that validity and reliability increase
We can use standardisation to control....
Situational variables
Investigator effects
What is matching?
making sure a particular characteristic of the participants is divided equally across groups
Limitations: using matching to control participant variables
It’s time-consuming because the researcher has to measure personal characteristics of the participants and identify participants with similar characteristics
It’s impossible to control for every possible participant variable, so some participant variables may still affect the dependent variable
What is random allocation
Participants are assigned at random to experimental groups in order to ensure similar participants in each group and that participant variables are distributed evenly