Cards (14)

  • Although the USA had a smaller army, it had twice the population and a much stronger industrial base than Mexico and so fair greater military potential
  • Mexican forces were poorly led and equipped
  • USA advantages:
    • superior artillery
    • many junior officers, many were well trained at West Point
    • enthusiastic (mostly southern and western) volunteers
    • naval supremacy
  • Summer of 1846, US troops, led by Colonel Kearney, marched unopposed into Santa Fe and announced the annexation of New Mexico
  • Kearney then left for California
  • By the time Kearney arrived in California, the province was largely under US control
  • American settlers in California had announced independence from Mexico
  • They were helped by John C Fremont, in the region on an exploratory expedition, and by a US naval squadron, stationed at Californian coast
  • Kearney's arrival in December ended what little Mexican resistance remained
  • Polk hoped that Mexico would accept defeat and the loss of New Mexico and California but General Santa Anna refused
  • By Autumn of 1847, the Mexican War was essentially over
  • War cost Americans $100 million and 13,000 dead soldiers - 2000 from battle and 11,000 from disease
  • Mexican losses were 25,000
  • Some Southerners called for the annexation of all Mexico but many Northerners wanted to annex no territory whatsoever